Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Night {Tony}

After Carver and Dawson plopped the huge beast in front of me Macky and Marcus we all decided to cut pieces off of it and cook it for a meal, we dragged the dead raptor across the sand and into the plane where we tried to make something to hold it over the fire but the god damn thing was to heavy so we just cooked it limb by limb. We put Macky and Marcus in charge of cooking it while me Dawson and Carver tried to figure what we could do to keep the other raptors from coming during the night and tearing us all to bits, so we decided to use the broken bits of the plane to make a barrier but Carver didn't like the idea of that so we just had us switch positions every night and have two people keep watch. Then Dawson said "I think we should use some of the dead bodies of the little dinosaur things as bate to try to catch the bigger ones" so thats what we did, we began to make all different kinds of traps, Carver dug a small hole and placed pieces of broken metal from the plane and then carefully placed leaves over the hole and sticks in the middle and placed a small dead dinosaur on top, Marcus made his trap a little farther away from camp near the jungle he didn't let any of us see the trap he said it would be a surprise when it began to get dark we all sat in the plane eating the slightly over cooked meat of the raptor we sat staring at the traps waiting we heard a loud screeching noise and a lot of crackling then Marcus elbowed me and said watch when I stared at the trap not knowing what was going to happen we saw a pair of yellow eyes staring at it then a large raptor walked slowly toward the trap then it lunged at the dead body when it did there was a click then boom the raptor explored blood flew everywhere landing on the sand chunks and blood flew everywhere.
"Haha pretty funny right?" Marcus said with a grin on his face, "what the hell dude, what was that?"
"Lets just say a lot of C4" then all the sudden there was a bunch of high pitched screams everywhere then crackling then tons of raptors came running out of the jungle and began tearing at the flesh of the destroyed body of the raptor, as the raptors ate at the limbs and guts of the dead raptor there was a loud roar and the ground began to shake then a huge orange dinosaur came out of the jungle it was about the size of two raptors and it had blood red eyes and two horns on its head and jagged spikes running down its back it ran toward the horde of raptors and locked its jaw on the back of a raptor picking it up in the air its teeth piercing through the raptors thick scaly back blood came running down the sides of the raptor then the dinosaur threw the dead raptor to the ground and made a loud roar and then all the raptors ran into the jungle.
We all sat there staring at the huge beast it looked around blood slowly running down the side of his cheek and onto the ground the dead raptor on the ground in front of him you could see the bones hanging out and blood was everywhere, the huge beast looked around then it went back to eating it tore at the flesh there was crunching of the bones, after a couple minutes the beast went back into the thick jungle the trees shook and it walked through them.
Finally the sun arose and we all slowly walked out guns in hand we walked over to Carvers trap when we looked inside a raptor had fell on its side the razor sharp chunks of metal killing it.