Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

Exploration {Carver}

After the dinosaur we saw that night left after the sun came up we decided to reinforce are I guess we can call it Base Camp then when I was on top of the wreckage I saw a very bright flash off in the distance seemed like past the jungle. I don't exactly know what it is but I do remember when the plane began to crash there was a bright flash and if it was someone else I wanted to find them and see if they knew anything and maybe even help them cause they might not be as armed as a military transportation plane. So I told Dawson to load up supplies and we headed out and told Tony, Macky, and Marcus to try to arm it up and make it well more like a base camp we decided to head off into the jungle and first stop at the Jungle Lake. When we got there of course we couldn’t do anything there was another one of the really big dinosaurs drinking and we needed water for a trip so we waited and it didn't leave it lied down and fell asleep so we decided to sneak in and get water and get out.
We were both highly trained in sneaking in and sneaking out but that was threw other humans, some dinosaurs have extremely good hearing so we had to be extra sneaky we got past and just in time cause we heard raptor calls behind us and a huge roar so we well began to run as fast as we could. We ran for at least 15 miles when we came to a big scary looking river with dark water so we went down the river bank looking for something to get across when we found a tree that looked sort of weak so we began to push and push so I decided to use some C4 just a little. Put on the base of tree and blew it the tree collapsed down and we decided to cross it we did and then realized it was getting dark so we pulled out the tent and set up are sleep area's and covered the tent and us with leaves and fell took turns in a ghiili suit watching out while the other one slept.
After the sun rose we both packed up and we both put ghilli suits on and carefully went threw the jungle then we got to the problem the ghilli suits were not going to work any more we had hit a desert and right away there was about 13 raptors feasting on a dead dinosaur so we had to think creatively