Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

Setting up and Base {Tony}

Me Marcus and Macky all began to search through the wreckage I pulled some gear off the dead men I found a box of ammo and a couple grenades, Marcus found a medical box but it had broke some it was missing some stuff in it, Macky was searching in the back of the plane where water had seeped through a hole he reached down into the water feeling all around until he started tugging on something "Guys come here help" We walked over and started reaching down in the direction he was tugging it felt rubber we all tugger for awhile until it came out of the dark cold water it was a raft we set that to the side and began digging into the water again I could feel something so I pulled it was heavy when I pulled it out it was a M60 machine gun but when I kept pulling I something was attached to it I had Marcus help me we finally got a dead body was holding on to it we pulled the dead solider out of the water and I ripped his dog tags off and then Macky pulled off the soliders ballistic vest off and his pistol off his hip.
After we found the dead body we went back to searching we found a couple pistols and some ammo clips then we found it we found a M4A1 Commando with a grenade launcher on a dead body on the side of the plane.
We had found some barb wire so we began surrounding the wreckage with that then we we set up the M60 in a hole in the side of the plane and when placed the ammo box next to it we all put on vests and I began to be able to walk, the radios in the cockpit were not working because of the water and the pilots were dead, I kept searching through boxes in the back I found life jackets and paddles and a AA-12 I kept that to my personal stash, we kept searching we found a claymore and some more grenades so we put those to the side.
I took all the dog tags and ammo clips off all the dead solider and I found a couple survival knifes and a machete. After we were done setting up camp it began to get dark we kept quite just eating some of the survival food and watching out the windows waiting for Carver and Dawson to come back after hours past we each would take turns keeping watch at the machine gun.
Finally it was morning we decided to go walk along the beach not far from base and maybe go for a little dip in the water so we geared up holding survival knifes and hand guns, so we began to walk along the beach of course Macky was carrying a Mp5 sub machine gun just incase so we walked for awhile and found nothing so I decided to jump in the water and cool off so did Marcus Macky just sat down on a rock and watched the jungle, I was swimming along the reef with my knife in hand and my handgun on shore I was swimming when I looked under water and noticed a dark figure swimming toward us it got faster and faster I just stood there watching it Marcus began to swim closer to shore then the thing jumped out of the water toward me it looked like a eel but three times the size it hit me nocking me under I slashed at it with my knife striking it a couple times its blood rose up then I swam toward shore it bit me on the leg I yelled Macky turned I leaped on to shore Macky started firing rounds into the water I grabbed my handgun and did that same, then we started walking back to camp.