Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Desert {Carver}

We now had to cross a huge desert right away there was a pack of raptors eating a dead dinosaur and just pack a couple hills I could see smoke so the crash must be just a little ways more so we had to decide kill all 15 of the raptors or wait and sneak out at night we decided to wait. We put the ghilli suits away and I pulled out two black navy seals suits we put them on and waited a little before the raptors ran by us heading for the river we took the chance to book it across the desert.
We began to run when we got to the first hill we decided to peek over it and then heard a huge roar from the jungle we turned around to see a very big dinosaur with blood red eyes it was even bigger then the dinosaur we saw a few nights ago. We stopped and stood still it walked around then started sniffing the air then it looked right at us and roared so we grabbed are guns started running across the dunes shooting backwards at it but it was unstoppable so I had a plan I told Dawson over this next dune to jump over and sneak along it and wait for the dinosaur. It came leaping over the dune in a blind fury and started to run then it turned and headed off after another prey. We then decided to head over the last dune and that’s when we heard three gun shots so we started running we say a regular passenger plane and there were lots of dead body’s and raptors every where Dawson set up a sniping spot and I grabbed my sub machine gun and ran for the plane Dawson started to shoot and I begun after a while we had raptors running in every direction there were still gun shots inside then a raptor came running out and I yelled U.S navy Seal I am here to help. I walked in and there was just a women holding a glock pistol with rubber bullets so I said "Well your not going to kill any with rubber just piss them off. I asked her for her name and she said "My name is Natasha I am LAPD I was on a flight to visit family in Utah then there was a flash and they crashed landed. The pilots and half the passengers were dead on impact the air marshal was and the rest of the passengers were picked off by raptors so we blocked the entrance and slept there for the night.