Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Search Begins {Tony}

Another night past still they haven't when morning came me and Macky climb to the top of the wreckage and spotted some stuff in the water in the reef so we searched through the plane and found some scuba gear but there was only one air tank and this was a two man job so we had Marcus stand on a rock by the shore line with a M16 and watch for anything in the water, me and Macky were trained for this kind of situation in the water, I dived in no gear on and he dived in with the air tank and goggles and we attached the knife you a metal pole we found in the wreckage, as I got closer to the bottom I found a backpack that had got stuck in the reef so I grabbed that and swam to the surface and tossed it on shore.
I swam back down to the bottom and found another ammo box but it had opened and ammo had spilled everywhere so I grabbed some bullet shells that were near by and put them in the box and locked it then handed it to Macky I swam back up to the surface and got some breath then went back down I saw some another back pack I reached down and pulled it off some coral and tossed it back up then I saw out of breathe I got back onto shore and we now had a box half full of ammo, we opened the back pack to find a ruined radio a small pocket knife a couple energy bars and a cantein of water.
We found out that the other back pack was a parachute and it might still work so we let it dry, We walked back to the wreckage and climbed inside and placed the ammo box next to the M60 and the backpack by all the food and let the parachute dry out, when it was about noon I grabbed my M16 and handgun and geared up I put on my vest and placed all my clips in and I put my helmet on and grabbed two grenades and a survival knife and decided to go search for Carver and Dawson, Macky said "Don't go alone its too dangerous, Ill come" H e stood up and reached for his gun "if you guys are going I'm coming too" Marcus stood up and put his helmet on, I decided to take the AA-12 instead we all put all the gear on that we could we grabbed a couple flashlights and attached them to our guns and grabbed some Flares just incase then we headed out.
We began slowly moving through the jungle, the jungle was thick and misty and very thick so I told the guys to all stay close as we moved I had my gun half raised when we got to a clearing there was a small pond so we all filled out cainten's as we did I heard some crackling coming from infront of me so I signaled for Macky and Marcus to get back and don't shoot I saw a pear of yellow eyes getting closer to me until the snout of a raptor slowly peeked its way into the clearing then it jumped at my knocking the gun out of my hand it was on top of me I reached down and grabbed my knife and slashed it at it it cut its lip blood squirted on to me Its claws scratched my arm it dropped the knife I grabbed its mouth with on hand pushing it away from my face the knife was just barely finger tips away I was touching it I was touching it with my finger tips, I grabbed hold of it just in time I stabbed the steel knife into the raptors head blood dripping all over my face the raptor scratched my face with its claw I pushed it off of me and grabbed my gun and looked at my men and kept going.