Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

Below the Surface {Carver}

We waited for morning to come and then set off back threw the desert and when we reached the jungle were heard a loud bleet and a dinosaur getting attcked and looked as it ran out of the jungle with raptors chasing it and clawing at it then it went crashing down. The started to eat it and they were between us and the jungle so we sat and waited then decided to make a run for it and if we got to the river we could cross it and then shoot them as they try to cross.
We started to run and we were able to get to the edge of the jungle before the raptors noticed us and started comming so we ran faster and we could see the river in the distance and keep up the speed and could hear the raptors skreaching behind us and then we saw the river and the log was snapped in half and sunk so we flipped around and for some reason the sight of the river made the raptors turn around and run. We set up camp and started to think about how to get across the river and we looked up and down it and there was nothing so we slept and keep watch in shifts and then we all put a ghilli suits on exept for me i gave mine to natasha and then i saw somthing shiny in the water so i decided to dive down and see what it was. I was trained to hold my breath for up to 8 minutes and when i was swimming down i found a planes black box and swam up with it and just put it in the bag but before i was to the surface i thought i saw something move so i got up and told the others about it and then we decided to just swim across it. once we were on the other side i looked back and said "Was that Giant log there before" they looked and it wasnt a log as it open its mouth and started to roar and then i relized why no dinosaur came near i, We ran and for a crocidile it was fast on land busting threw the trees and then ahead of us i saw Tony, Marcus, and Macky running and i yelled "Turn around" and Tony yelled "No You turn around" Then from behind him came a Spinasaurs chasing them so I could tell we were screwed.