Status: Complete (24/9/12)

Can You Be the One to Save Me?

Chapter 6

The next day was almost awkward for both Alex and Zack. Both were unable to themselves how much they enjoyed the kiss that they shared the night before.

Just when Alex thought he was going to cry from the tension amount of tension Rian called
"Hey Alex" said Alex "How are you?"
"I'm . . . Ok" he said eventually
"And Zack?" prompted Rian
"He's doing well"
"That's good"
"Are you coming over today?" asked Alex
"Yeah of course but I might bring someone with me, is that ok?"
"Yeah that's fine"
"Thanks Alex" said Rian "hey can I talk to Zack for a sec?"
Alex paused for a moment "Umm . . . Sure" he said "I just have to find him"

Alex found Zack in their bedroom, curled up on the bed in a ball and Alex almost cried. He didn't realise how much him distancing himself from Zack was hurting the cat.
"Zack?" he said softly and Zack rolled over to look up at him with blank eyes "Rian wants to talk to you"
Alex handed the phone to Zack before leaving the room to give Zack privacy and sitting on the floor on the other side of the door. What was he going to do?

"Hello" whispered Zack. He had never used a phone before
"Hey Zack" said Rian "How are you?"
"I'm ok" forced Zack. He didn't Rian to worry about him, he had brought this upon himself
"How are you really?"
Zack let out a sigh "I think I ruined it Rian"
"Never" said Rian "Alex loves you. What happened?"
"I'm sure Alex will tell you if he hasn't already" said Zack, defeated but changed the subject before Rian could bring it up again "What did you want to ask me?"
"Oh yeah" said Rian "How well do you get along with dogs?"


Rian clipped Jack's lead onto his collar warily. He didn't want to restrict Jack, he was starting to love the young puppy, but he didn't want Jack or Zack to get hurt either.
"what's wrong Rian?" asked Jack tipping his head to the side
"I just don't want you to get hurt" said Rian brushing back Jack's hair "I don't know how Zack's going to react"

"Don't worry Rian" said Jack "I'll be ok"
"I hope so" said Rian before getting out and helping Jack out of the car, keeping a tight grip on his leash. Jack jumped out of the car and Rian could tell he was holding himself back as he looked around Alex's yard
"Just remember the rules Jack" reminded Rian as he knocked on the front door.
"Don't worry" said Jack "I won't break anything"

Alex answered the door and launched himself into Rian's arms. Rian just chuckled.
"You will tell me all about it after ok?" said Rian
"Ok?" said Alex pulling away. It was then that Alex noticed Jack bouncing on his toes next to Rian.

"And who is this?" asked Alex
"This" said Rian putting a hand on Jack's shoulder to keep him still "Is Jack"
"Hi" said Jack excitedly and Alex smiled at him
"Well aren't you cheerful?" said Alex "Come in!"

They walked into the house and Alex and Rian sat on the couch. Jack sat at their feet, eyes wide as he tried to take everything in. He was determined to be on his best behaviour for Rian.
"You know you can take him off of his leash now, right?" said Alex uncertainly and Rian nodded, ruffling Jack's hair
"I know, but he's very excitable" said Rian "I don't want him to jump on you or anything"
Alex nodded in understanding, he'd never met a dog before. He wondered if Zack had either.

They talked for a little while longer before Jack noticed Zack's mat in the corner
"Where is he?" he asked suddenly
"Zack?" said Alex uncertainly "I think he's in our room"
"Can I meet him?" asked Jack almost bouncing on the spot
"Sure" said Alex
Rian unclipped his leash and Alex led Jack to where he though Zack was and let him in, eager to get back to Rian.

Jack entered the room quietly and shut the door behind him "hello?" he said quietly
Zack sat up in the bed, blankets wrapped around his shoulders "You must be Jack" he spoke quietly
Jack nodded "Are you Zack?"
Zack gestured for Jack to sit with him on the bed so Jack pulled off his shoes and sat cross legged in front of the cat.

The two pets stared at each other for a few minutes before Jack broke the silence by lifting a hand and brushing Zack's hair out of his face before leaning in to sniff his neck. Zack's careful eyes following him the whole time.
"You don't smell as bad as I thought you would" said Jack with a smile and Zack just laughed
"You don't smell so bad either"

Zack carefully reached a hand up to look at Jack's collar, it was then that Jack noticed that he wasn't wearing one
"Where's yours?" asked Jack "Rian said I'm not allowed to take mine off"
Zack just shrugged "Maybe I'm allowed to take mine off because Alex knows that I won't run away?" he suggested
Jack pulled away suddenly "What do you mean?"
Zack just shrugged again "You can barely sit still for the short time you've been sitting here, Rian probably just wants to be careful. It has his address on it you know, so you can always go back to him"

Jack nodded in understanding "Oh" he said "Do you know Alex's address?"
"Zack shook his head "We barely go anywhere" he said "There's no need"
"But what if you get lost?" pressed Jack
Zack thought it over for a minute before he said "That's probably a good idea"
Jack smiled proudly that the cat liked his idea and Zack chuckled before slowly reaching up to scratch behind Jack's ears softly.


Meanwhile in the lounge room Alex had just told Rian everything that had happened the night before.
"I don't get it" said Rian
"Don't get what?"
"Why you're freaking out" said Rian "Isn't this what you wanted?"
"Well . . . Yes, but"
"No buts Alex" said Rian "Talk to him!"

Alex sighed "What if he doesn't like me, like that?"
"Then he wouldn't have asked for that kiss" Said Rian simply before standing up
"Where are you going?"
"I'm taking Jack home so you can talk to Zack"
Alex sighed again "Fine"

Together they made their way to the bedroom where they found Jack and Zack sitting on the bed talking. Jack saw Rian and immediately jumped up and hugged him. Ran laughed
"Well sorry to cut this visit short but we have to go now"
Jack frowned before shrugging and pulling his shoes back on.
"Good to see you Zack" said Rian and Zack smiled back to him and nodded.

Jack and Rian left soon after and Alex sat down next to Zack.
Stuff it. he thought before grabbig Zack's chin so he was looking at Alex and pressed their lips together for the second time, forcing Zack to respond after he got over the initial shock.

Alex pulled away and put his forehead against Zack's
"I like you" he said "And I want to be with you"
"But . . . I'm a cat" reminded Zack softly, unsure how to feel about this
"I don't care" said Alex "You're perfect"
Zack smiled up at him before they kissed once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Creative chapter title I know haha :)

Hopefully you'll get at least one more chapter before I go on camp, amybe two if you're lucky!
