Status: Just Getting Warmed Up With This One, Kids. (:

The Howling

Chapter Three: Secret Smile

Bryan woke up with a start and he forgot for an instant that he was not in his room in New York. Looking around through hazy eyes, he wondered what time it was.

The alarm clock on the night stand table flashed a bright red 8:24am. He had slept through the entire night, which was odd considering he always had trouble sleeping.

Stretching out his bad shoulder, Bryan sat up on the edge of the bed. Once he was able to walk without running into any walls or pesky tables, he grabbed a change of clothes and made his way to the bathroom.

There was a large bathtub on the left side, two his/her sinks, and of course a toilet. The color scheme for the room was a combination of light crème and soft baby blue. It was very calming.

He stripped down until he was completely bare and ran the water to a perfect temperature. He glanced at the mirror for a full second and a half before turning away. He supposed he was handsome in some exotic type of way with his classic Italian features. However, the scars that marred his once flawless skin of his right shoulder and back were a heavy reminder that he was not as beautiful as he played himself out to be. Shaking his head to rid him of the memories that tried to force themselves upon his mind, he sighed and stepped under the hot mist of water.

Over and over, he went through the list of things he needed to do to the building. Its what he did before he started any project this extensive.

First, he was going to find a designer. Preferably the same one who decorated his guest apartment. After talking with he or she about hiring help, it was straight to the drawing boards from there.

Bryan always tried to be as organized as possible. He was a man with a plan, as his mother used to say. He needed every detail perfectly executed.

Finishing his shower and getting dressed, Bryan moved to the kitchen. The soft white granite counter tops greeted him, reflecting the sunlight coming in from the living room windows. The stainless steel fixtures were shiny like they had been recently polished. He opened the silver fridge/freezer doors to find that though whoever decorated the place obviously left the grocery shopping to him.

“Well, I suppose I’ll just go now.” He said aloud.

Bryan slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed his car keys. When he opened the door, the rank smell of old garbage hit him like a fright train out of hell. The smell made him gag and shudder. The first thing he was going to do was rid this place of the awful rotting smell, he decided. Quickly, he went to his beloved Mustang and got inside.

He wasn’t exactly sure where the grocery store was, but Heavenly Hills was a small town and he was fairly certain that he wouldn’t get too lost. At least, that was what he hoped.

When the car started with a loud purr and rumble, he pulled out of the gravel driveway onto the nicely paved street.

The sun was out, giving the early morning a nice dry heat. He was so used to the muggy overcast of New York, so this was definitely going into the list of pros for the town. With the sunshine, came the early morning risers. They walked along the sidewalks, stopping as they ran into friends. These people were all smiles and laughs, another thing Bryan had to get used to.

Turning down another street, he saw the large building of the City Hall. Next to it was an elementary school. Since it was Sunday, he gathered that the children were either still in bed or causing hell for their parents. Next, he saw a few more shops; a floral store, a café, and a decorative home designer. He made a mental note to go in once he was done with his grocery shopping.

After turning down another street, he finally found the grocery store. Bright red letters a crossed the top spelled out George’s Hometown Grocery. He parked, making sure he had his wallet for the second time and slid out of his car. Grabbing a cart, he strolled inside the air-conditioned store.


Coming out a few moments later with a cart full of bagged groceries, Bryan rolled over to his car. He had been stopped countless times to be asked who he was and why he was stopping at Heavenly Hills. Each time he answered, the townspeople lit up at the fond memories the mention of his grandfather brought up. He wished he could illicit some of their warm and fuzzies for himself, but the feeling was not there.

He loved his grandfather, of course, but his memory of him was hazy at best. Not to mention the old man was a total loon in his last years. The last phone calls to him were mostly of wild beasts amongst the trees.

Bryan shook his head, an attempt to rid his mind of such thoughts. All he wanted to do was get the apartment building done and go home to his beloved New York. Even being in such a small town made him uneasy. He wondered just how in the hell the old man could live in Heavenly Hills for twenty some-odd years.

Quickly, so that the frozen items wouldn’t thaw in the rising temperature, he put the bags in the trunk and climbed in his Mustang. Roaring to life, he pulled out of the parking lot and made for his temporary apartment. As he drove, he saw a few more people on the sidewalks. This time each of them smiled and waved at him. Word apparently travels fast in a small town. That was yet another thought that did not set well for him. He didn’t want everyone to know he was here. Next they would try making friends with him; and he most certainly didn’t want that. He didn’t have any in New York, so why have them here when his stay was only temporary? Bryan was a nice guy, but he was a private man. Silence was his salvation.

He pulled into the small driveway of the beat-up apartment building and groaned. There was a cherry red 1979 Chevy Camaro parked off to the side. Though he had to admit, the car was beautiful. He sighed rather loudly as he parked in front of the building just as a woman got out of the Camaro.

Her hair was the shocking image of the color of her car pulled back into a messy ponytail. Her skin was flawless and pale with the exception of the honey colored freckles that dusted her shoulders. Bryan could tell she was tall, standing around 5’6 or so, and slender. He’d be lying if he said she wasn’t beautiful. In fact, she was breathtaking.

Bryan got out of his car as she sauntered her way over to him. Her hips swayed delicately with purpose, he found it both natural and sexy, and he really liked it.

“Mr. Steele, I presume.” She spoke, her voice husky yet soft like the rest of her.

He nodded once. “That’s me. I take it word travels faster than I imagined around here.”

She smirked ever-so-slightly. Oh man, she was better looking up close. Though the ray bands she wore covered her eyes, he couldn’t stop staring at her smile. Something felt familiar to him, but he was sure they had never met before.

“It’s a small town full of gossiping old women, Mr. Steele. And, of course, everyone is intrigued by Gabriel’s grandson.” She teased lightly. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bonnie Rose. I took care of Gabriel in his last years and am the designer he chose for the building, if you would hire me.”

She stuck out her hand and he took it, ignoring the electricity that was now coursing through his body simply because of her touch. Her skin felt better than anything in this world, but the handshake itself was strong and firm which mildly surprised him in a good way.

“Would you like to come inside and talk? I just went to the grocery shopping and I can whip us up something.” Bryan said with more ease than he was feeling, and popped open his trunk.

The woman tilted her head as if regarding him. He must have passed whatever test she had in her mind, for she smirked once more. “I would like that very much, Mr. Gates. Shall I help you?”

Even though his father always taught him to be a southern gentleman and handle the heavy lifting, Bryan nodded in appreciation. With a softer, more feminine smile, she walked around to the open trunk and grabbed the few remaining bags.

Walking through the small rank-smelling hallway while carrying groceries proved to be an even greater challenge that he would have originally thought, but somehow he was able to make it through. Bryan opened the door to the apartment, allowing her to go inside first. She headed straight to the kitchen, already knowing where it was.

She sat the bags down on the counter as he had and made a seat for herself on the other side. She took off her sunglasses, letting them rest on the counter top. Their eyes met. His widened in shock.

She had the brightest violet eyes. He wanted to ask if they were real, but thought that inappropriate. He also couldn’t imagine them being such a vivid color because of contact lenses. Going back to unpacking his groceries to preoccupy his reeling mind, she spoke.

“I understand you’re going to sell once you’ve finished the place.” Bonnie replied coolly.

Bryan nodded, opening his freezer door to put away his frozen foods. “Yeah, I hope so. It would be easier to tear it all down, but this is the only thing of my grandfather left standing. Might as well fix it for the old man.”

“He sure was lively for a man his age, even when he was on bed rest. You kinda look like him. The eyes are the same, and the dimples in your cheeks when you smile.”

“Sounds like you knew him pretty well; better than I ever did, anyway.” He muttered.

He felt his face flush slightly in embarrassment at her comments.

She tilted her head to the side again, a habit he guessed for when she was deep in thought. She bit her lip when she chuckled and it was the sexiest thing he ever saw. She was the epitomy of what he thought an angel was supposed to be, yet calm and maybe a little distant when she looked back at him.

“I’ve known Gabriel for a long time. He was a good friend to me.” Bonnie told him.

The smile she gave him was small, but there. Her secret smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its been awhile so I hope this makes up for my absence. Let me know what you think.