Status: Comment!

Dancing Dead

The Next Town

When they hit the next town without incident they split up into 2 teams to look for supplies and find a shelter for the night since there seems to be a nasty storm rolling in. Matt, Liz, and Jimmy take the town's market while Brian, Zacky, Nicole and Johnny take the houses, when they finish the two teams are supposed to meet back in the center of town to find a suitable place to stay for the night.

In the market with Matt's group they grab a 2 backpacks form the back-to-school isle, filling one with different drinks and the other with various food items they could make while staying in one of the abandoned houses for as long as it takes to ride out the storm and the day after, plus a few things to take with them when they leave. The meat and dairy were rancid, so they forgo those products in favor of the frozen food isle. Sneaking away from 2 zombies gnawing on a severed leg on their way out. They were unsure if there were more than that and not wanting to draw attention. They forgot about the door dinging when they left, which drew their attention anyway. Thinking quickly they slam the door shut and brace it with a rack handle before making a run for it.

Brian, Zacky, Nicole and Johnny made it through three houses without much incident, finding the ammo they needed or switching out for a better gun that held more/better ammo. Grabbing extra belts to use with holsters for the extra guns and things they've picked up.

“Nicole, don't move.” Zacky holds up his hand to get his girlfriend's attention. Taking out his pistol with the other. “Don't. Move.”

Nicole looks at him with tears in her eyes and nods slightly.

Zacky takes aim and shoots past Nicole's shoulder hitting what looks to be a child zombie between the eyes. It was climbing the wall about to jump Nicole. Immediately Nicole is in Zacky's arms whimpering. “We need to get out of here and meet up with the others.” Zacky rubs her back softly, just as Brian and Johnny walk into the hallway where the couple is.

“We heard shots, is everything ok?” Brian asks concerned.

“Fine, lets get out of here.” Johnny motions to the backdoor for an easy escape.

“One more thing.” Nicole says as they exit. She turns back to the house, lights a match and throws it into the kitchen watching everything catch fire. She had turned the burners and oven on, letting gas fill the room before they left. They make a run for it, giving Nicole an odd look before taking off.
“What? I don't like it when dead things try to kill me.”

Chuckling, Brian wraps an arm around Nicole's neck as they slow to a walk on their way to meet the others. “I'm gonna call you Napalm Nicole.”

“Well lets find the others, Napalm Nicole is tired and hungry.” Nicole sighs, leaning into Brian as they walk along. Brian just chuckles and wraps his arm tighter around his friend as they make their way to their designated meeting place.

When the teams meet at the center of town, Liz is standing over a dead zombie. Her gun is still drawn and the guys are just catching up.

“Where the Hell did it come from? I thought we got them all.” Jimmy grumbles, hitching his backpack up on his shoulders.

“The fucker was hiding in the fountain. It was trying to sneak up on me.” Liz puts the safety back on her gun and puts it back in the holster on her side.

“Lets get out of here before we find more hiding places.” Johnny sighs as he looks down at the dead zombie. It looks to be no older than 21, female, and if she weren't green and bloody she would have been Johnny's type.

“So are we going to use the rooms, or are we going to stay in one room together?” Matt asks while they walk. Looking for a house that has the least amount of damage to it. Passing up one that had the roof caved in.

“Maybe we could keep doing what we've been doing. Keep together and make sure everyone is safe.” Jimmy suggests adding, “Maybe take turns on lookout after we barricade the place for the night. Hey this one looks good enough.” He points to the house up ahead that looks less disheveled than the others.
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