New York City, Vampire Land

Alexander and his Crew

The Vampires strode down the crimson hallway which was originally marble and, well, had gotten a paint job as Alexander would say. The blood streamed down the walls and met together on the floor and soaked into the dead Legion soldiers. Alexander and his men weren’t laughing and parading around the dead as they usually did though, this was a mission.

Alexander’s second hand man, Ekion, smashed the door at the end of the hall off its hinges with one swift kick.

“Fire!” A man yelled as soon as the door fell into blood that had snuck in. A group of heavily armed soldiers released their gun’s ammunition and Ekion felt the full force of mahogany bullets cram his abdomen. He was thrown into the marble wall and shot into pieces there whilst Alexander and his men took evasive maneuvers. The bullets seized after a long barrage and Alexander nodded to one of his men and gestured for him to take three in. The resistant Vampire did so.

A blaring of bullets and crunching limbs met this and Alexander whipped out two pistols that had previously been on his belt and went in. The three Vampires were dead with various gunshot wounds and one with a knife in his neck but the one who had led them was tearing at the neck of a soldier. Alexander shot both the pistols at the five men near the shattered windows.

Tish Tish

The first to react was after two of them had been hit by fatal shots and by the time he drew his weapon towards Alex, The Vampire leader had let a bullet into his and the other duo’s guts.

There was a finalizing silence after the one who had led the three dead vampires, named Weston, had snapped the final soldier’s neck.

“Sir, Ekion’s dead.” Kendra, Ekion’s mate whimpered to Alex.

“I know Ekion’s dead, I’m sorry Kendra, drink your worth here and regroup outside. And please, don’t take your time; we’ve got a schedule to keep.” Alexander said whilst removing a pair of gloves and putting another on; Standard black.

“Yes sir.” They all said in unison, even Kendra with some hesitation. Alexander left the room and painted his hand across the wall as he left it. Blood gathered on his fingers and he licked it off as soon as the wall ended. He wasn’t a nice person, he hadn’t been a person for at least 200 years and even then he wasn’t a nice person. He was born to be a vampire though, meant to kill people and enjoy doing it.

The cold air met Alexander and he sighed. He wasn’t chilled or anything that would be hard to do being as body heat isn’t generated by a dead body nor needed. He was tired of work, the entire blood line had been invading New York, one of the last human districts in North America and New York was big. He looked at the park veiled in snow and saw a man, a business man? Holy hell it was and he was coming this way. What in the hell had gotten into a man’s head that told him he could walk into Vampire conquered territory. Alexander had no doubts he would be eating that man in a few seconds and sprinted past a sign read Central Park.

The man took a glance at the Vampire striding through the snow in a trench coat and squealed. He turned, dropping the briefcase and it cracked open with nothing in it.

Why would a man carry an empty briefcase, wait, empty, it’s a trap!

But it was too late, a loud crackling sound fell through the air and Alexander fell into the snow and his face tore at the road.

It’s a Hymn, they’re using a Hymn!

Alexander drew his hands to his ears and found the strength to stand up and begin walking toward the apartment.

Where are my damn earplugs! He thought while shuffling one hand in his pocket. But his ear was bleeding and he covered it again.

A sting flew through his shoulder and sent Alexander to his knees. He glanced at the apartment building; none of his men were out yet. He was being lifted and put into a coffin before he could struggle enough and within the coffin was a burning sensation. It was on his chest, the sting you get from crosses but ten times worse.

The reason why it was ten times worse was because it was ten times larger. The cross on the coffin nearly covered his entire body and burnt his chest into charred skin.

“AGH, LET ME OUT YOU INBREEDS!” He shouted and then began to screech because of the excruciating pain. His voice developed a true monsters taste to it and the men who ran him off quickened.

“God damn, this really worked!” One of them said in a panicked excitement.

“Yeah it did now let’s get this drainer to Head Quarters!” Another said. The coffin slid onto the back of a truck and Alexander could smell his own flesh being overcooked.

“YOU RELEASE ME NOW!” Alexander yelled to blank ears. How could he have been so stupid to be caught by a bunch of inbred humans, he thought.

The engine started and the truck moved.
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Wooo Vampires...?