New York City, Vampire Land


“What’s this?” Annie asked as the truck rode into the garage and past them with the thrashing coffin in the back.

“The boys tried to catch a vampire! And by god’s name, I think they did it.” George said taking off his hat and smearing the sweat that had collected on his bald spot.

“And you let this fly?” Annie asked in disbelief, her father had never been one to let things like human bait happen.

“No I heard about it after they left and I planned on punishing them dearly but if they’ve actually done it,” He hesitated and Annie couldn’t believe her father might make an exception for a moment but then, “I’ll still punish them, going behind my back is inappropriate. I want you to go see what the fuss is about. I’ll be in my ready room.” And he turned swiftly into the hall.

Annie stood on the second floor that had a stairwell to the garage floor but she had planned to observe for a minute. From what her brother, Ken, had told her about Vampires, it was best to keep your distance. But there was no doubt something was angry and in that coffin. Curses raged from within and it shook and nearly broke despite any chains that held it closed (which were many). One of the men already waiting cautiously with thick gloves on started onto the coffin as soon as the truck came within range. He stepped onto the truck and further onto the coffin and pulled a lever on the ceiling activating a sprinkler system of Holy water. She’d been briefed about it more than once but the freezing water shocked her. Annie stepped backwards into the dry hallway but from within it could see the steam arising from between the Coffin boards and an estranged hissing that burned her ears.

She looked back up and the chains were broke and the coffin open and empty. Her father was sprinting out of his ready room immediately and Annie was retrieving shotguns filled with shreds of wood and tossing one to her father. The Vampire was leaping from the first Engineer to the second when they came into the rain of holy water. His skin sizzling, he tore out the Engineer’s throat and then shot his gaze up at Anna. His eyes were a crimson and his face was a pale but most of all he was covered in blood. In estrangement he flew through the air and tackled her father into the hall. Two shots crushed through the Vampire and his rib cage as he fell onto her father. Before the gloved and well dressed Vampire stumbled back from Anna’s father he tore a long scratch from face to belt on her dad. Anna took the Vampire with the last shot. A flurry of black blood burst from its chest and mouth before falling head first into the adjacent wall. The dead blood sucker fell limp and slowly slipped down the hall and despite the girl’s worry for her father, she couldn’t pass that thing. And finally Alexander the Vampire soldier who had served 200 years of mindless killing took his last action and thrashed out at Anna. She fell back against the metallic floor and shot three thick blasts of wood into the Vampire’s brains until it was nothing more than Jell-O and it couldn’t be alive anymore. Smoke arose from the gun’s tip.

A groan of pain came from behind the obliterated Vampire and Annie held down her fear and crawled to her feet and leapt over the body. Her father lies in a pool of his, The Vampire’s and the engineer’s blood and she crouches at his side.

“Dad” She starts but he discards her.

“There’s a medic kit behind my closet hangars in my ready room, go get it.” He muffled in a mouth of blood. She hesitated but eventually scrambled down the hall nearly slipping on blood and haste, and found the medic kit. She was back in seconds.

She took a group of scrambled bandages out and he was beginning to sit up. He was nothing short of fit, in his youth he had been a great hunter and some of that strength had never betrayed him. But time did have its deadly effects and Jonas had fallen to them.

Blood drained out of the scratch on his chest, scaring Annie more than Jonas, so he took the bandages and wrapped himself up. The dead Vampire slumped down the wall slowly slipping on the blood. Anna was revolted at the dead monster. Three men arrived at the entrance to the thin and now bloody hallway wielding rifles.

“Sir, are you okay?” The soldier asked but his eyes were locked on the dead Vampire.

“Yes, Eddie, I want you to get this thing to the lab and also get someone cleaning this hall. Come Anna.” Jonas said climbing to his feet.

“Yes sir.” And Eddie slung his rifle over his shoulder and grabbed the Vampire’s shirt. The dragging sound was eerie and the stain of blood that it left was even worse. Annie shivered and followed her father down the hall. He had vivid limp and had to use the wall as a crutch but other than that he came out remarkably unscathed. Unlike the two engineers that had gotten mauled before death.

He entered his office and his daughter followed him in with a morbid look on her face. Jonas sat down and let his face fall into his hands.

“What am I going to do Anna? We’re losing this war.” He muffled into his fingers. She could only barely begin to wonder what her father had been through in his years.

“We can’t give up, that’s about all I can tell you.” Annie said coming to her father’s side and sitting on the arm of his chair.

“That was your first Vampire kill wasn’t it, I’m sorry…” Jonas put his hand over his daughter’s.

“SIR!” A soldier burst in through the door. “It’s alive.”

“Go meet with your brother, he isn’t on duty.” Jonas left the room with his newfound limp.