New York City, Vampire Land

Gathering forces

“Where in the HELL is Alexander?!” The tall and angry Vampire shouted. Following his yell he threw an arm across the table that his servants had spent hours making. The table snapped in two large pieces only being held really by the table cloth that the larger piece eventually took as they fell across the room. Goblets and silver plates clanked against the stone floor gathering everyone’s attention.

“We don’t know, he told us to meet him outside and when we did he wasn’t there.” Kendra said. Victor, the next in command over Alexander stuck his face in hers.

“If you’re lying I’ll have your neck on a table you know?” He hissed.

Kendra with a revolted look on her face took a step back. “I’m well aware of what you do with people who don’t do things the way you like them.” And she was, there’s a strict chain of command in the Vampiric ranks and if you fail to abide it, you’re punished severely.

Victor stared intently into her eyes. He was fairly attractive with his golden hair and young face, but even in that face you could see the wells of his eyes. He was old. Nearly 700 years old according to what Kendra had heard and most of his actions told it, he was a distraught being that had outlived its life span. But who of the vampire ranks would deny him that choice, which was the reason half of them loved being blood sucking demons, immortality.

Isaac stepped into the room and all eyes befell him. He was 200 years younger than Victor but that’s about all Victor had against him. Isaac, one of the great Vampires that isn’t going mad because his clock’s run out. Kendra felt a bit of ease come over her.

“Victor have you seen Alex? I need to speak with him.” Isaac asked as he strode through the room. It was large and decorated with long red flags with no symbols on them but the stale taste of the maroon shade of it all. The vampires all watched him closely but Isaac had no intention of being disturbed because of this. His presence was often preceded with awe.

“According to Kendra, he’s missing.” Victor now said with his low and grim tone of voice that he only uses when calm.

“Missing?” Isaac drew into focus. “Where’s Ekion?”


“I see.” Isaac said and was now amongst Victor and Kendra. “Kendra go call the Horsemen, tell them Isaac says we’re going hunting.”

“The Horsemen?” Kendra asked but mainly in awe. She knew who they were but to send them on a manhunt. Was Alexander more important than she’d thought?
“Yes the Horsemen, go Kendra.” Isaac said. “You too Victor, get your horse.”

Victor sighed as Isaac turned around again and headed for the door, everyone’s eyes still on him. “Why did you want to speak with Alex?”

“Don’t worry about it”

The Horsemen sat around ancient wooden tables. All of them wore thick hats that looked like they belonged to western films rather than decimated buildings. A man entered the room and froze at the sight of the Horsemen, each one sitting at their own respective table. One dressed in ebony attire lifted his head and saw the man in the darkness of the room. He took the cigar out of his mouth and pushed it into the table.

“Rodrigo, is it?” The Horseman said quietly and swept a fingerless gloved hand across the table. A layer of ash flew away and into the air. Rodrigo took a step back.

“Who are you?”

“We’re no one; you’ve been designing some bad things Rodrigo.” His words were ice. And Rodrigo took steps back again.

“What?” He asked in an astonished voice, an astonished yet fake voice. The sound of the gun that Rodrigo had been making stung the room. Rodrigo looked down slowly and saw the twirling blue rings and slim skinned silver. He knew what it could do and before when he’d been behind indestructible windows now he was getting pointed at with it. A ringing sound came from behind the Horsemen and one of them answered a small phone.

“Do you know a Kendra; she says she’s in the Vampire Ranks.” The second Horsemen asked. The Horsemen looked annoyed that he hadn’t gotten to toy around more and shot the gun. Rodrigo’s guts flew onto the door and the Horsemen took the phone.


“Hi, I was told to call you and tell you that you’re going hunting with Isaac.” Kendra’s voice was shy.
