Forever and a Day

As The Years Go By

September 28, 2067

It was a quiet, chilly night in Willamstown. Sure, there were the occasional voices of tiny insects and animals crawling about through the woods, but mainly all the old man heard was quiet. Something he was never entirely used too.

At the young age of seventeen, his life was anything but quiet. He didn't mind though, that's how he had to be the man he was today, regardless of the wrinkles on his skin.

He flicked on the light switch for the front porch, and took his nightly seat on the cushioned, white, wickered seat. It was their seat. It had been for the fifty one years they had been legally married to one another. Often more than not, the couple used to just sit there in silence, enjoying one another's company. Just like the old man was doing tonight. But unlike how it had been about a year ago, he was alone.

To many people, sharing a life with someone for over forty eight years, not to mention the years before they were even married, losing them would be a painful loss. And it was. But just like the day he met her, he swore he would do what was best for her, and unfortunately letting her go was what was best for her.

She lived a beautiful life, and he would never forget that. But it came the time for her to depart from the earth, and the old man couldn't help but wonder when it would be his time.

So, he sat there in the September night gazing up at the night sky, and admiring the twinkling stars above him. He half wondered if she could see those stars from wherever she was up there.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought. One of the last conversatinons he had had with her, was her explaining her love for stars, not that he hadn't already known this. But he let her talk non the less. Unlike so many others, he actually took the time to listen and admire her voice and the words spoken.

They were always so delicate, as if every syllable pronounced was important, and well thought out. Though he knew the truth. She said what was on her mind, without ever really thinking twice about it. It had gotten her into sticky situations more than once, but he was always there to help her through.

That was probably what he missed so much about his loving wife. He missed those moments where she would come running into the room with a devilish smile adorning her face, telling him what sort of mischief she had gotten herself into. And he also missed those days where he would wake up to the smell of borderline burnt crispy bacon, pretending to love them non the less. He missed having dance parties at two o'clock in the morning, after a night with a little too much alcohol, and singing along to every song that came on the radio.

He missed her, and that was that. Sure he still had his two sons, and a daughter, plus his adorable grandchildren, but it wasn't the same without her. His kids tried to get him to go to a convelscent center, or join the old folks club but he had nothing of it. He never was the sociallizer of the pair, that was always her. He had much rather of stayed home instead of going to all the events he had been dragged to throughout his life.

Looking back now, though, he was happy he went. Each one of those events was time spent with her. Each one of those events left a memory in Niall Horan's brain. A memory of the beautiful, flawless Reece Horan. The love of his life, who would remain that until the second he left the earth.
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New story, not sure if I'm going to continue or not.

Let me know what you think, thanks for reading!