


Cooper’s inability to follow through with plans ended up being highly disappointing. I spent Saturday night and entire Sunday watching movies by myself. I knew that Cooper and I weren’t best friends. I honestly don’t know if he was even considered a friend at that point. We were just neighbors…who occasionally ate dinner together when the opportunity presented itself.

I’d be a liar if I told you his rejection didn’t sting. I was in desperate need of human contact. I had no one to hang out with. The only time I got to spend time with people was at work and I’m pretty sure half of the other people employed by Nicole Barnes hated me while the other half just barely spoke to me.

I really only had one person I talked to when I was working, that was Eleanor Andrews. Eleanor who preferred to be called Elle was probably about a half a foot taller than me, but she lived in heels. Even when we were hauling equipment through mud Elle was wearing a pair of five inch heels.

“You know” Elle started, flicking her long blond hair off her shoulder. “We should go out this weekend. Considering that I’ve dubbed you my new best friend.”

“Out? As in, out dancing?” I inquired, juggling lighting equipment in my arms.

“Yes. As in loads of drinks and dancing with fit men.” She answered.

“I don’t know. I mean, I don’t think I should with Dylan back home and everything.”

“Oh, come on!” Elle threw her head back, shouting dramatically to the grey sky. “Can you just forget about Dylan for one night and make bad decisions with me?”

“I don’t know, Elle. I’ll think about it.” I answered knowing very well that I would not be accompanying her to a loud, overly crowded club on Friday night.

“It’s only Monday. By the time Friday rolls around you’ll be peeing yourself. That’s how badly you’ll want to. I’m persuasive. You can’t resist.” Elle bragged with her distinctively English accent.

“We’ll see about that.” I laughed, trudging forward toward the destination of that day’s photo shoot.

There was no way I was going to go out on Friday night. I couldn’t do that and feel right about when I knew that Dylan would be stuck at work, not out getting drunk and dancing with girls. I knew I would feel terrible for doing that. I absolutely could not do that to him.

Of course I did want to spend time with Elle because she was the only friend I had. It was great having another girl to talk to. I usually only talked to Dylan and occasionally Cooper. Taylor was my only real friend back home and she was busy going to school and taking care of her family. She barely had time to do anything, let alone call me every day.

“Why don’t we just go shopping or stay in and watch movies and drink a lot of wine?” I suggested, dropping my armful of lights as gently as I could

“There are no men involved in that. I need to find a man!” Elle shouted. “If I get lectured by my mum one more time because I’m not dating anyone I’m going to jump off a bridge. I swear it.”

“I’ll think about it.” I said finally, knowing that I wouldn’t.

“We’ll see.” Elle challenged with an award winning smile.


Thursday was a really good day. I got out of work early, which never happens. Plus, it was unnaturally nice out considering it was Ireland in the middle of October. It was sunny and warm and I was loving every second of it.

“You don’t go out much, do you?” Des asked, his voice floated through my open balcony doors.
I turned from my spot on the couch, taking my eyes off the local news for few seconds to take in his appearance. As usual he was wearing dark jeans and white t-shirt. His hair was a disheveled mess and a cigarette was dangling from his mouth. Typical. He was leaning on the railing around his balcony and peering straight through my open doors.

“You don’t believe in combing your hair, do you?” I shot back.

Des simply raised one of his eyebrows and took another drag. “I asked you first.” He responded blowing smoke toward my doors.

“Yes, actually I do.” I lied.

I always felt the need to lie to Des. He made me feel inadequate in every aspect of my life. I lied to try to live up to his standards because I couldn’t stand the way judged me so harshly and openly.

“No you don’t.” Des laughed.

“How would you know?” I barked.

“Because I always see your lights on.”

“Then you must not go out a lot since you see them all the time.” I said defensively.

“Touché.” Des said with a smirk.

I turned my attention back to the TV, waiting to find out what tomorrow’s whether would be so I could dress accordingly. We were doing another outdoor shoot and I wanted to be prepared. Des was silent which I took as a sign that he’d finished smoking and had left me to watch the news in peace.

“I do believe in combing my hair…you just happen only to see me after I wake up.” Des explained, making me jump at the sound of his voice.

I have to admit that it shocked me because that was the first time that Desmond had willingly shared information with me. Granted, it was something stupid, I still felt honored and a little confused by how nice he was being. I wasn’t ready to be friendly with him. I was still slightly offended by what he said about my job and my relationship.

“Cool. Now stop spying on me.” I said turning into the frigid bitch that protected me from assholes like Des. I gave him a quick glare and turned back to the news.

“Have a good night, Ollie.”

I responded by flipping him off soundlessly. I didn’t even look back to see if he was there. Somehow I knew he was still standing there waiting for a reply. The sound of Desmond’s laughter hit my ears followed by the sound of him going back inside. Once I was sure he was inside, I got up and closed my doors.

I hated knowing that Des had been monitoring my habit of keeping myself locked away in my apartment. I hated that he thought I was some kind of goody-two shoes who never went out and had fun. Little did he know that I was a notorious party animal.

I was making myself dinner when I realized something crucial. I hadn’t gone out in years. I couldn’t remember the last time I went out for drinks or danced with some random ass person. I was boring. Des had been right even if he hadn’t said that exactly.

I picked up my phone and called Elle, after two rings she answerd. “Hello?”

“I’m going.” I said, biting my lip anxiously. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea but it was too late to take it back then because Elle was screaming with joy.

I was going to make a point to look extra good and strut about in front of Des. I wanted to prove to myself that wasn’t boring, but I wanted to prove it to him even more. For some reason I took him comment as a dare. I felt like I need to get dressed up and go out and have fun just to spite him.

If I couldn’t punch him in his flawless head then having fun was the next best thing.

Or so I thought.
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In other news,it's five in the morning. I have a job interview/audition in roughly eight hours and I'm kind of freaking out.