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Another Side of the Rainbow

In a world known as Paradise, everything is perfect and bright, or is it? That's what they always says.
They tell us that there is no hunger, no war, no death and no sadness.
They said that you could be happy, and believe in what you want.
They opened their arms to help us, but they rejected me. I lost everything, like my family, but I learned one thing: look through lies. Now, when I look around from where I am hiding, I see not one lie, but thousands of them. Death, hunger, diseases, sorrow...covered up by lies. So what most people would see as a rainbow, I would see as hell, for they who rejected me and stole my family will regret coming here only to playing god.
  1. Rejected
    They tok my family from me, I was rejected, they said I was Flawed.
  2. One beomes two
    I wasn't alone after all, I meet an Old friend in my dark cell