Hating You for Loving Me

At Least Talk.



*Patrick’s POV*

“Come on Pete, at least talk.” I told him as we all sat around in Mel’s basement in front of a fire.

Pete didn’t respond but just stared into the fire.
Mel and I exchanged looks, knowing Pete so well he was not going to be so talkative for a while.

*Pete’s POV*

I didn’t want to talk to Patrick or Mel; I just wanted to talk to JJ.
I wouldn’t talk until I talked to JJ which may not be for a while.

“Pete are you hungry?” Mel asked me as he and Patrick ate grilled cheese.

I shook my head no, and silence fell again.

“Pete your mom wants you home.” Mel’s mother said as she came down the stairs of the basement.

I nodded my head in agreement and waved to Mel and Patrick who exchanged there goodbyes and then I left.
The cold wasn’t too bad; it reminded me of JJ though.
Everything did no matter how much I tried to block her out she came back.
I walked inside my house to find Panora and Marley jumping all over me.

“Hey you guys.” I said with a laugh.
“Hey Pete.” My mom welcomed me as she came up to me and gave me a hug.

She was the only person I would talk to other then JJ.

“Hey mom.” I said with a sad tone.
“What’s wrong Pete?” My mom asked me as she stroked my arm.
“Nothing mom.” I said as I shook my head and headed upstairs.
“Marley, Panora come.” I said as I walked up the stairs to my room.

It’s better to have at least some company, someone I could talk to without them talking back.
Of course they both came and laid on my spare bed across from mine.
I could already feel tears fill up in my eyes as I laid on my bed.
I let one slip and Panora and Marley came and laid next to me.
How smart they were to try and cheer me up with company.
But soon I felt myself dozing off and soon fell asleep.

*JJ’s POV*

I missed Pete, Mel, and Patrick already.
My true best friends and I left them.
I felt so bad lying to Pete telling him I didn’t love him.
I probably broke his heart in a million little pieces and then burned them because I’m so evil.
I can’t wait till I get off this damn plane and call Pete.
I really need to talk to him.
I can’t even get him out of my head, the harder I try the more he is there.
This is going to be the hardest time of my life.
Trying to get through this without them.
I’ll never make it in California and I know it, and my mom knows it, and everyone else does too.
I can’t even imagine how bad I hurt Mel, being a bitch to her and all.
I bet she doesn’t even want to talk to me anymore.
Losing one of my best friends to something that’s not even my fault, something I couldn’t even help decide.
It makes me so angry at myself, knowing that she probably hates me at the moment.
And that Pete loves me and he doesn’t even know how much I love him back.
And just telling Patrick off like that, now I’m so eager to get off this damn plane and call all of them.
Knowing planes, this won’t be in California for a while, might as well get sleep.
Or try to.