
Chapter 1

School is hard when you're loved so much, I can't walk these halls without someone screaming my name at me. A lot of the time I wonder what it's like to be, well, normal. I wonder how much easier things would be if I didn't have to put up with the pressure of being the best looking guy in school. Sure, I mean I get the lady's. But honestly, I'd like to be-able to spend one lunch break, alone.

"Alex!" Ben called from the opposite end of the hallway. I sighed. Ben was short, shorter than me, which is hard to be. He had mousey brown, messy hair. Ben greeted me with a shoulder barge and a firm slap to the back. "Man! We need to catch up, have some Bro time!" He enthused eagerly. "Sure." I shrugged, my gaze setting on the new kid in school. He had jet black hair, with a skunk stripe through the side, it was also spiked and rather messy. He looked tall, definitely taller then me. His black skinny jeans hugged his legs while his shirt was loose around the top. "I gotta go to class man, catch up later." I said waving to Ben as he strolled onto his own class.

I grunted, walking into my first class of the day. Math. It was always a bad class to have first, my brain just wasn't ready this early. Any other time of the day and I did seemingly well in this class. People were waving at me to come sit with them, but to be quite honest I just wanted to be alone during my first hour of school so I took the seat at the back. I propped my bag up on the seat next to me to assure no-one would sit next to me. I could hear people trying to grasp my attention, I sat, eyes staring at the front of the classroom, saying nothing with a blank look on my face. The teacher strolled into the room and I was saved. The teacher was followed by the new kid, I set my gaze onto him, a small smile coming across my face. "Everyone, we have a new student in our class today." The teacher announced. "His name is Jack Barakat, he's just moved here from Baltimore, please be nice to him, okay class?" "Okay." The class sung back like you do at primary school. The teacher lead Jack to his seat and I zoned out again.

Jack .. Barakat.. I really like that name. "H-hey." I looked over realising the teacher had told Jack to sit next to me cause everyone seemed to get along with me and she thought it'd be a great idea that Jack should get to know me. "Oh, sorry. I zoned out." I said pushing my bag onto the floor. Well, there goes being alone for the first hour. "Thanks.." He whispered. "So... You're new here? Good luck kid this school can be brutal." He had his gaze on the desk. "Y-yeah, thanks." Something about his awkwardness was making him quite appealing to me. "The names Alex by the way, you would have found that out soon if I didn't tell you anyway." I smiled, talking myself up a little. "Nice to meet you, Alex." He said softly. "Yeah, you too!" I blushed.

Once the bell had rung I headed for the door. I had the last two hours off school and I planned to go home and play pointless video gamed. "Alex!" Someone said from behind me, laying their hand onto my shoulder. I felt little sparks run down my arm. "Hey, what have you got now?" Jack said stepping in front of me to stop me in my tracks. "I have the last two hours off." I shrugged. "Really?!" He squeaked. "Same! We should hang out ... Or something." He coughed. "Oh, sure. I was headed home to play some video games if you wanna come?" I wasn't sure why I had just invited this kid around to my house, I mean I barely knew him at all.

The walk home was quiet, almost awkward but I couldn't feel the awkwardness, but I'm sure Jack could. "Just up the road." I said breaking the silence. "Oh, okay." Jack smiled making me feel a little dizzy. When we reached my house I let Jack go first, closing the door behind him I lead him into the lounge. "You have a nice house." Jack stated looking around. "Nothing much." I shrugged. I walked over to my Playstation to pick out a game for Jack to play while I got some food. There was a note on top of my game stash;

Hey Alex,
I'll be away for the weekend.

I sighed. Mum was always running off, leaving me to fend for myself most of the time. I hated being alone, I just get so consumed in my own thoughts. "What's wrong?" Jack cut into my thought process. "Oh, nothing, Mum's just away for the weekend." I said slipping Mortal Kombat 9 into the console. Jack's eyes light up. "I love this game!" He giggled. "Good" I purred. "I'm going to get some snacks, you have fun now." I said with a smile. I walked through to the kitchen and frowned. God, if Jack wasn't here.. I thought grabbing some chips from the lower cupboard and two cans of Dr. Pepper from the fridge. I honestly don't know why she keeps doing this to me, she knows what it causes. She just doesn't care for me, simple.

I set the cans and bowl of chips on the table in front of Jack. "DIE! NO, NO, NO AHHHH!" He screamed. "I died, AGAIN, that's it I give up!" I giggled, smiling the best I could at him. "Alex." Jack said placing the controller onto the table. "Yeah?" I said wondering what he could be about to say or do. "Ever since you read that note you've been ... Off?" He paused. "I don't know if you uh, want to talk about it, you can okay, I'll listen to you."He sounded really concerned which I found adorable. "Thanks Jack, really." He smiled shyly. "Anytime." He said quietly. "Well, my Mum leaves all the time leaving me alone a lot." Why was I telling Jack this? As if he truly cared, I just couldn't stop myself. "And I find it really hard to be alone, being so great at school, gets to your head.. I'm dropping grades faster than my balls dropped when I hit puberty." Jack giggled, making me smile. "I get lost in feelings and yeah." I said lowering my gaze to the carpet.

Jack pulled me into a tight hug, making me feel warm inside. "Alex, I'll always be here, I promise, and, I hate making promises." He whispered into my hear as he held me. I nodded, smiling, was I really falling for this boy I had just meet? Yes, I was. There was nothing I could do to stop it either, I heard rumours around school that he was gay too, but I wasn't sure and I didn't really want to press it on him so early.

"Jack, it's getting kind of late, won't your parents worry?" I asked, looking over at him. "Oh.. Maybe." He giggled, his giggle made my heart melt. "I could call them, tell them I'll be home after school on Monday." I looked at him, confused. "Why Monday?" I asked. "Because, I said I'm not leaving you, so let's hang out all weekend!" "I like the sound of that." I said quietly. Jack bounced away to call his family. I now had him for the weekend. I smiled. He was mine for the next few days.

Jack smiled when he sat down next to me. "Okay, Gaskarth tell me, is there a love in your life?" Gaskarth. It sounded so, sexy? I gulped. "Well, I uh, think so." I stumbled, not sure what really to say because I couldn't help but fall for this boy even though it was still the first day that I had met him. "Oh?" He sounded a little bit disappointed, and I couldn't help but feel bad. "Tell me, Alex. It's some popular bitch isn't it?" He groaned. "No, Jack. No it's actually not." I said, moving a little closer to him. "It's.." There was a loud thump on the door. "ALEX, BRO, I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE." "Ben..." I whispered. "Wait here." I said with a small laugh heading for the front door. "Ben." I greeted him. "Bro! Let's hang for the weekend!" He enthused. "I, uh, can't... Going somewhere with .. My Mum." I lied. "Alex, going somewhere with his Mum? HAH!" He spat. "Spill dude, who are you fucking this weekend?"

I closed the door behind me, standing against it. "Why'd you lie?" Jack asked. "If I said, oh, I'm hanging out with the new kid for the weekend I'd have to listen to him questioning everything possible under the sun and I just really want to spend time with you, okay?" Jack nodded. "Understandable" He said cutely filling my stomach with butterflies. He looked down, motioning me to sit back down next to him, I did so. "But." He paused. "What were you saying before?" Shit, Jack had a better memory than me, I had already forgotten we were having a serious conversation before Ben had interrupted. "Uh, promise you won't freak out, okay?" I was about to tell him that I had really weird strong feelings towards him. "Promise." He said. "...You..." I breathed.

Jack stood, a small smirk on his face. Grabbing my hand and pulling me up, he looked deep into my eyes. "Alex.." He whispered. "Kiss me."

Jack's lips felt so warm and soft against mine, I didn't know how to comprehend the feeling of how perfect this was. Jack's lips were still pushed to mine as we fell onto the couch, his hand tangled in my hair, my hands were on his hips. Breaking away from the kiss, I lead little kisses down his neck, biting and nibbling. I bit a little harder, sucking gently earning a moan from the younger boys mouth. I leaned back, admiring my work, Jack's face was flustered. "You like that, hmm?" I giggled, all he could do was nod. I tugged his shirt off of his body, he followed by pulling off mine. "My my, Gaskarth, you have a gorgeous body." Jack whispered turning me over to sit on top of me. I just giggled at him as he planted kisses down my chest and stomach. His hands had a firm grip on my hips as his mouth moved lower to kiss my jeans right about were my cock was laying in my pants. I huffed gingerly, thrusting up to his face eagerly. His hands gripped harder holding me down to the couch. "You like that, hmm?" Jack repeated my question from before. "Alex?!" Someone called from the front door. I grunted really not wanting to move. "You uh, might want to get that." Jack whispered nibbling my neck. "Oh Jack, you're making it so much harder to leave you." I whined. "Goooo." He winged.

I padded to the door, kind of mad at whoever had just interrupted me and Jack. I opened the door not even bothering to check who was behind it, because knowing my luck it'd be Ben. "Alex!!!" The girl standing in front of me squealed. "My my, you've gotten h-o-t" She said as she admired my body. I quickly pulled my arms up over my stomach folding them tightly not sure what to do or to say. "You could at least say hi?" She pouted. "Why are you here?" My voice was low, cold and cruel. "Because I love you?" "No." I stated. "If you loved me you wouldn't have just run away on me!" My voice was raised and I'm sure Jack could hear my from the lounge. "Alex." She pleaded. "That's why I'm here, I'm sorry, I do.. Love you." Her gaze fell to her feet. "I really don't want to hear it, okay Megan." I paused. "I'm in love with someone else, anyway so you're wasting your time here." I spat. "You're in love? How come there aren't rumours flying around school yet? Big Mr Gaskarth got himself a girlfriend, did you hear?" She spat back. "It's just not like that." I said with a shrug. Jack's hands snaked around my sides as he hugged me from behind. "Everything okay here Babe? I just heard you yelling." He questioned eye Megan. "Gaskarth, with a boy!?" She spat. "Actually, yeah." I nodded, smiling. "Wow! I never thought Mr I'm Too Cool would love a boy." She laughed. "And, if you're quite done." Jack said shutting the door in her face.

"That was brave." Jack whispered to me, kissing my cheek. "What was?" I said lacing my fingers into his. "You just told someone you loved a boy, Alex, I know that's hard to do for the first time." I shrugged. "I wouldn't take it back either." I said kissing Jack softly. "Shall we?" I said pointing in the direction of my room. "We shall." Jack giggled. "Wow, you have a nice bedroom, Babe." Jack said admiring my plain room, white carpet with dark blue walls and a black roof with stars and a moon, that I hand painted myself. "Nothing much." I shrugged sinking into the pillows on my bed with a sigh. "Are you okay Alex?" Jack asked sitting down next to me. "Oh, yeah I'm fine." I lied. "That was just weird." I shrugged. That girl once was the love of my life, we had planned everything for our future and everything. She swore that we were forever, until she up and left me for some fuckwit dude who was '2 kool 4 skool' I guess everything good breaks. I bit my lip. "Hey, okay, I know something is up with you, but you can tell me in your own time I'm not going to push you. But, in the mean time would you like to watch a movie with me and fall asleep in my arms?" Jack broke into my train of thoughts, his voice was soft and calming. "That sounds absolutely perfect, you pick a movie."
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Do you think that this is worth continuing?