
Chapter 3

People at school had started to avoid me, instead of me avoiding them, which I was completely okay with, apart from the fact that I didn't know why, that bugged me a little bit. A group of girls were whispering amongst themselves as I walked past them, I heard the words, gay, faggot and Jack slip from their mouths. I sighed, of course. Ben had started the rumour, he was immature like that. I had English first today too, so I thought I'd confront him and ask him what his problem was with me being happy with Jack. He was sitting in his usual spot, next to where I sit. I slumped down into the chair next to him, giving him a glare. "Okay, before you jump your guns on me Alex, it wasn't me who started all this shit okay?" I gazed at him. "But who started it then?" I said pinning my eyes to the desk top. "Some girl, I don't know I've heard her name is Megan." He shrugged. My gaze then fell to the floor. Who else, why did I blame Ben in the first place... Of course it was her, she was, jealous. "Hey, don't worry man you've still got me." He said cracking his knuckles as some kind of a threat to anyone who'd take this too far. I smiled at him. Why couldn't everyone be as accepting as him? It would be a lot easier then me and Jack could act like a real couple instead of a shy one.

"Now class, today we're having a lesson on gay rights." The teacher bellowed. I felt a frown coming on, did the teacher know too? Peoples eyes were pinned at me. "Why don't you ask Gaskarth, teach? He'll know since he's a faggot." Dustin called from the back of the class. "If you want a fucking go we can step the fuck out side, Stone." I said pushing myself up from my chair glaring at him. "Fucking bring it, faggot." He asked for it, I lunged over Ben's desk hurling myself towards Dustin's throat, colliding with him I held him down. "F-fag-got" He croaked making me grip harder, drawing breath was hard for him now. "Alex! Get off of him." The teacher screamed trying to pull me off. "This is for calling me a faggot!" I hissed bringing a solid punch down onto the older boys nose, a deadening crack silenced the whole class. "Alex, principles office, NOW!" I grabbed my bag "Cya Ben." I said waving to him as I padded towards the principles office.

"So..Alex" He said swinging around in his chair. "You not only throttled Dustin, but you broke his nose?" He already knew the answer so I didn't bothering answering him. "You're a difficult one, huh." He tapped his pen against his lip. "All because he called you... A faggot." He hesitated at the word. "Don't make me want to hit you, too." I threatened. "No, Alex, I don't mean that. I have a soft spot for homosexuals, okay? You're safe while you're with me. But tell me, who are they pairing you with, or who did you pair yourself with?" He pondered out loud. "Jack ... Barakat." I whispered. "Oh, the new kid." He nodded. "That's interesting, seeing as you used to be the coolest guy in school and had ladies falling all over you." I shrugged. "That's what made them so unappealing then, Jack walked into the classroom and I knew there was something about him because I just couldn't stop being nice to him." Was I treating the school principle as some sort of counsellor? "I understand Alex, that's why I'm letting you away with hurting Dustin this once, but if it happens again, something will have to be done. Understood?" He said with a serious look on his face. "Yes, sir." I nodded, walking out of his office.

By the time I had finished talking to the principle class was over and it was time for a break. I huffed, I knew I was late to meet Jack and he was probably worried about me. I picked up my pace, walking to our tree near the back of the school field. "I never thought you'd arrive." Jack said standing up to give me a hug. "I'm sorry babe, I was talking to the principle." Jack nodded "You're in trouble?" "Nah, just a warning." I admitted, making Jack gasp "Ohhhh! What did you do, spill, spill." I sat down giggling. "Okay, well Dustin was calling me a faggot and I didn't like it so I chocked him somewhat then broke his nose." I said nodding, feeling a little bit proud of myself. "Wow, and you didn't get into trouble?" Jack asked somewhat astonished. "Nah, principle was really cool about it actually, he was really concerned for us." Jack stared at me "You told him you loved me, oh my god that's so cute Alex." He said kissing me quickly. "Ah, not a big deal." I laughed.

I had maths next, which I was dreading the most, because Dustin and most of his 'posy' were in this class, which didn't help because Ben never showed up to this class because he utterly failed it anyway. I considered going to the library for the hour and chill on the computers they had there, but I wasn't sure I hadn't really been to the school library before and it might look a little bit weird. I thought against it and went to class anyway. I must've scared Dustin somewhat because he didn't say a word to me and his group of friends just held a strong gaze on me to make sure I didn't do anything wacky. I was working quietly when a note was thrown onto my desk.
'He's going to make you pay, watch your back, okay? :/ - F'
Was scribbled onto the paper, I looked back at the only friend of Dustin's that started with an F, Felix. The boy was a little younger than me, though he was tall. He had bleached blonde hair with a light blue fringe. He shrugged at me. Why was he being nice enough to even let me know I was going to pay for my actions, I kind of already knew.

After class Felix pulled me up in the hallway, he was alone. "Look Gaskarth, I know we've never talked, I know I never talk much at all, but he's really going to make you pay, okay, I don't want that. I don't care if you're gay for Jack, I don't see the problem being gay myself, but of course, Dustin doesn't know that otherwise, well yeah." He said waving as he saw Dustin walking his way. I watched the kid timidly walk up to him. "What were you doing talking to the faggot, Anderson?" Dustin said grabbing Felix by his collar and shoving up against the locker. "Are you a faggot like him, too?" Dustin spat. "N-n-no" The younger boy trembled. "Good, because faggots don't hang out with me." He said dropping the boy. Was Dustin trying to take my spot as the cool kid around school, because he really was going about it the wrong way, he's only going to have haters who are too scared to do anything about him so they chose to ignore him. I shrugged.

Jack walked down the hallway and smiled at me. "Hey, what do you have now?" He asked quietly. "I don't know, I just don't want to be here right now." I admitted. "I was thinking about heading home, or something." I shrugged. "Oh, well, I have this class then I'm off for the rest of the day, I'll come by your place then, okay?" I smiled at Jack and nodded. "See you then." I said walking towards the exit of the school. I decided I'd take a short cut through the park. That was a mistake. Dustin was there, just Dustin and this time I didn't have the act of surprise on my side. "Oh, Gaskarth, what a surprise to see you here." I gulped as he stepped closer to me. "You know, you're going to pay for what you did to me." I nodded, stepping back before breaking into a sprint towards my house. "GET BACK HERE FAGGOT!" Dustin screamed after me, my feet hitting the path hard and steady. My house was only around the corner but of course the door was locked. I fumbled for the keys in my pocket.

Slamming my hand onto the wooden door I jarred the key into the lock turning it, click! Dustin grabbed my arm, pulling it up my back. "Fuck." I whispered, out of breath. He spun me around holding me to the door by my throat. "How does it feel, huh faggot?" He breathed on me. I gagged, my vision slowly fading, becoming jittery. I noticed someone behind Dustin, suddenly I drew in a big breath of air, dropping down onto the ground coughing. I looked up to see familiar blonde hair. "F-felix?" I stuttered. "Let me go you little cunt." Dustin hissed at Felix. "What, are you turning on me now?" He spat pushing Felix off of him. Dustin's knee collided with my face, sending me back into the door. "NO!" Felix screamed before I passed out.