
Chapter 4

"Alex.." I whispered quietly next to the older boys bruised face. "J-Jack.. What happened?" He stumbled. "Shhh." I whispered. "It was Dustin, he hurt you but you're going to be okay. I'm here now." I tried to reassure him. "All I remember was seeing Felix run up behind him." Alex said, his eyes connecting with mine. "Yeah.." I whispered looking down feeling guilty. "He helped you because I wasn't around, instead I was stuck in fucking school." I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. "Jack, babe, please. You're not always going to be there for me, I can stick up for myself you know." Alex said sitting up beside me and putting him arm around me. "Yeah, I know that.." I whispered. "I'll go get you a drink." I said needing to get out of the room. Alex just nodded at me.

I ran down the stairs sliding on the kitchen floor. I grabbed a can of Dr Pepper out of the fridge for Alex when I heard his laptop go off; someone had messaged him on facebook. I knew I should have just left it but I was curious, I went over to his laptop setting down the can and opened the message.
"Hey Alex bunny bear xo are we meeting up tonight gorgeous?! love you <3 oxoxo" I froze in my spot, was Alex really cheating on me, all ready? The thing that I really didn't understand was the message was from Megan, the same Megan who had started all this shit between us. I sighed, standing up and grabbing the can. I threw the can at Alex. "Have your fucking drink." I spat grabbing my jacket. "Woah, what the fuck is wrong with you Jack?" Alex said standing up. "Oh why don't you just go hang out with Megan." I said slamming his door and running out.

The day had really turned to crap, it was cold and there was snow falling. Not that I didn't mind snow, but there was rain with the snow making it really annoying. My feet scrunched their way along the foot path. I really hated what had just happened, I really wanted to know what was really going on, but I didn't want to blow up at Alex and make him feel any worse than he already was. I sat on the swings at the park, under the shelter of trees it was rather dry here so I decided to chill here and wait for the weather, and myself, to calm down before I carried on. I noticed Felix walking through the park, he noticed me too. "Jack.. I'm really sorry about what Dustin did to Alex, it was really unnecessary." He shrugged. I shrugged back. "I don't know, if Dustin hadn't have already hit him in the face I think I would've." I whispered holding back tears.

Felix sat down beside me. "What happened, if you don't mind me asking." I nodded. "No, it's fine really. I just found out that he's meant to be seeing Megan tonight, and that she loves him I don't know." Felix glared at me. "What, do you mean, he's cheating on you with the one who started all this shit?" I shrugged at Felix. "I really don't know, it could be here just trying to fuck us up, or it could be real. I didn't read anything else I just left." Felix nodded, putting his arm around me pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry if this is weird, but I like hugs when I'm feeling down I thought you might too." He whispered. He was right, I really loved hugs when I was down, but I really wished that it was Alex hugging me and not one of Dustin's groupies.

Felix walked me home, it was rather nice. We made small conversations about movies and cartoons, it turns out me and Felix have a bit in common. "Hey, Jack.. If you uh, ever want to hang out here's my number." Felix said handing me a bit of paper with his number scribbled on it. "Oh, thanks! I might text you later?" I said smiling. "That sounds like a good idea, we could watch some of those movies we talked about." He nodded, walking off towards his house. I grabbed my key out of my pocket and unlocked the front door. "Hey, Mum I'm home!" I called, I didn't get a reply. There was a note stuck onto the counter. 'out for shopping, be back around 5 love mum xo' I smiled pulling out my phone. I entered Felix's number and text him 'Hey, it's Jack if you wanna come around you can, Mum's away til 5 so (:' I got a reply within the minute. 'I'll be around in five :D'

I smiled kicking off my shoes and grabbed some snacks out of the cupboard. I placed them on my bedside table and flicked through my DVD's looking for the Home Alone movies. Felix said he loved these as much, if not more than I did so I was going to test him on this. The door bell rung. I shot downstairs and opened the door. "Hey Felix!" I beamed with a giant smile. "Hey Jack." He smiled back. "Come on in." I said stepping out of the way, letting him in. I closed the door behind him. "So, movies!?" Felix said jumping up and down. "Movies!" I said running off in the direction of my room, Felix following me closely.