This Love Shouldn't Be Legal

Is It The End?

Melissas POV:

Brooklyn and Zach were married! They actually went through with the whole thing, even though it was only 8 months later. That was a huge pain. I'm so happy for them, but it's kind of weird. Mikey acts like he wants to, but I don't know if I would say yes. I want to marry him, but not yet.

"Hey M&M! Whatcha thinkin bout?" Now is my chance. I can lie.

"If you proposed, what I would say." Well, so much for lying.


"I don't really know, Mikey. Brooklyn and Zach's wedding was so beautiful. Their vows were sincere, the lighting was perfect, and come on, those skinny jeans were hilarious. It was totally them. Oh, and when Zach sang to her. Mikey, it was so adorable."

"Mel? You're answer?"

"I would probably say yes. Let's get through your tour first. See if I can handle you like that."

"Sounds good, Mel. How's your sister?"

"She is so cute! I can't wait to have kids, in a few years of course."

"Mel, I wouldn't do that to you. You still have your whole life ahead of you." He was the sweetest guy ever.

"Thanks Mikey. Well, you better get ready. Rehersal starts soon. If Zach and Cameron show up." Cameron and Beth came right after, but 10 minutes later we were waiting on Zach and Brooklyn still. We girls still loved watching our guys in action.

"Where is he? He's never been more than 30 seconds late. We're at 15 minutes now." Cameron was getting worried, and frankly, we all were.

"I dont kn.."

"I dont care Zach! You just need to leave me out of this!"

"Well, Brooklyn, sorry for trying to involve my wife! If I can even call you that right now!" The second week of marriage and they were all ready fighting.

"Bad honeymoon?" I happened to know from Brooklyn that their honeymoon was more than fine, but of course Mikey would ask. It's who he is.

"SHUT UP!" They both yelled at him and I think that finally got it through his head.

"Guys, calm down."

"How dare you say I'm not being a wife! Im only 18!"

"Brooklyn, breathe." I tried to calm her down.

"Exactly! I married a child!" I can't believe he said that.

"Zach, that was mean. Stop." They were completely ignoring me.

"I am not a...."

"STOP IT! You are both acting like children. What happened?" They started a bunch of "he said, she said" stuff.

"I wont take this in my mom's house. Zach, stay here with me and Cam. Brooklyn, go upstairs with Beth and Mel. When we've talked and rehearsed, we'll call you girls down so Brooklyn and Zach can make up or whatever. You two are married now. Get used to compromise." We took Brooklyn upstairs.

"So what happened?"

"He started talking about what he would do if any "hot" girls came up to him. I don't really care until now."

"He shouldn't have brought it up, but at least he was warning you. Seeing if he could hug them, get pictures, and stuff."

"I don't care about that! I care that he called them hot." She was falling apart.

"What does he call you?"

"Oh my gosh! I'm a jealous, terrible person. He always calls me beautiful and an angel." She was crying now.

"You aren't terrible. You are rightfully upset, but you did kind of overreact."

"I know." She started crying.

"It's fine. Let him know it bothered you, then move on with your life as Mr and Mrs. Porter." She smiled. Her biggest dream had come true. A few hours later the guys were done and Brooklyn ran into Zach's arms.

"I'm so sorry. I overreacted. I got jealous you called them hot."

"I'm sorry Brooke. I never should have brought it up that way. It was rude and insensitive of me." Mikey walked up beside them.

"Kiss." He fake coughed and, of course, they did. Mission accomplished.
