Status: Complete


Chapter 8

"Blaine I love you." Kurt said as he leaned in to kiss him again.
Blaine turned his head, Kurt looked at him confused, why did Blaine turn his head? Kurt thought that Blaine loved him, he did didn't he?
"If you're going to leave me just tell me now. I can't take this anymore." Blaine said getting up.
Kurt quickly reached up and pulled Blaine back down next to him.
"Blaine, I'm not leaving you. Look I'm sorry about the way I've been acting for the past week or so. It just shocked me when I found out. And to hear it from Sebastian of all people. You should have told me the next day when we had talked. I would have forgiven you because like you said I had said that we were over." Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes.
They were both starting to cry now. Kurt reached up and wipped away some of the tears. Blaine reached up and did the same.
"I love you so much and I want to work through this. We've put in too much time now for it to be over because of a mistake you did years ago."
Blaine smiles, he was so afraid of losing Kurt.
"I want to work through this too." Blaine said softly.
"Okay, that's a start. I think we should go and see a marriage counciler."
"Alright I'll phone around and see who's the best." Kurt said smiling.

"I've got an appointment with Dr Willis for tomorrow afternoon. It's at 1:30 please don't be late." Kurt said.
"I won't don't worry."