Wickedly Love

Corey Anderson (age 19), an adult with high functioning autism with passions of being an artist, entered a program to win a rockstar husband. The program makes matches of favorite rockstars Corey listens to. He has to date and live with them for two years before making a decision on who is "Mr. Right". Who will be Corey's husband?

This story contains mostly romance. No sexual content. The bands included in this story are:

-Marilyn Manson (years 1996-2010 bandmates)
-Wednesday 13 (year 2012 bandmates)
-Murderdolls (year 2005 bandmates)
-Slipknot (present bandmates)

Year story takes place : 2012.
Most of the characters are either divorced, been cheated on, and are looking for a second option which is Corey.