‹ Prequel: Rock 'N' Roll Dreams
Status: I honestly don't know how often I will update this, but I will try.

Tattoo Reality


When I got back to the apartment, I find a note on the kitchen counter from Denver. I read it. "Went to River's be back in a little while," I say aloud to no one. I hear my phone ring. I run over to the table where I left it. "Hello," I answer, not paying attention to the caller ID.

"Hey, what's going on?" Reese says in his smooth way. I can hear the flirting in his voice. I know that there is a huge smile on his face.

"Oh, nothing just got home from a friend's," I answer truthfully. I sit down on the couch waiting for him to say something.

"Oh, a friend's? Well, how did that go?" he asks without suspension. I would almost think that he would want something else from me.

"It went well until Cairo showed up to cry about Astrid," I say almost sounding like I'm complaining which I hate. I have never liked sounding like a complainer. It's just not how I myself do things. I have been around Denver for so long that he has beaten the complaining out of me.

"It sounds like that happens a lot," Reese says not knowing how spot on he is. "Maybe they should end it for good. But why would he go to your friend?"

"Reese, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my friend will put up with him longer than I would. Actually, I think it has to do with the fact that she knows how to handle every situation," I say without truly thinking about what it is I am saying.

I hear the door open and close. I lean forward to see Denver walking through the door. I almost laugh when he nearly trip over the computer box on the floor. "When are we going to get rid of that?" he grumbles.

"Who was that?" Reese asks curiously hearing Denver through the phone.

"It's Denver. He just tripped over the empty computer box that we haven't thrown out yet," I answer trying to not to look at Denver hoping that he won't notice who it is that I'm talking to.

"Oh, well. I'm happy that I got to talk to you. Nix wants me to help him write some new songs. Just call me whenever you want to. I won't mind," he says in his gentle voice.

I get off the phone and look at Denver starting to cook. "You went to River's?" I ask even though he said so in his note.

"Didn't you get the note? I mean I left it to where you would find it," Denver mutters.

There is something about him. I think he just doesn't like to be reminded about what happened between us. I mean it's not like a bad thing. It's more like a bad timing for a good thing. I wish that he mentioned his feelings sooner than he did, but what can I do about it?

"I got it. I was just making sure," I say just as quietly as he did. I stand up and walk over to the opposite side of the counter that he is on. "Why did you go over there?"

"I went to talk to him about something," he says starting to close off on me. He does this when something is up with him. I hate having to try to find out what it is that's bothering him, but I know how to comfort him.

"Well, that's good that you got out of the house at least," I say with a smile on my face.

"Who was it that you were talking to?" he asks. I knew this question was coming, but I was hoping that I was wrong.

"I was talking to Reese." I watch his reaction. He doesn't throw anything around. But I know that he isn't happy about it. He closes off to me even more. He won't tell me how he feels about it. He leans on his arms on the counter and looks down. I reach out and touch his hand. "Hey, Denver, cheer up. It's going to be fine."

"How is it going to be fine, Oceana? How is going to be okay when I know that you haven't told him yet? I have to worry about Reese coming in here at any time and see the way that I look at you. How can I cheer up?" he says pulling away from my hand. "It's not like this is what normally happens when two people date."

"And do you think that I don't know that? I can't help that I wasn't smart enough to tell you my feelings. I mean I should have, but come on," I try to point out. "Give me some slack. And he isn't in New York City right now. He is in Chicago. He won't be coming back here until the new album is out. That'll be another month or two. So calm down."
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Sorry for the wait. I had no inspiration for the story for a long time, but I finally scrambled up enough ideas for this chapter, and a little of the next chapter in Denver's POV. I hope you guys like it tell me what you think please.