Status: This is my first story so take it easy on me! Enjoy.. :)



“Biinnng.” The bell jingled. I walked up to the front desk, smiling at the lady who had helped me the other night.

She didn't have a full smile on her face but I could see the little grin she failed at hiding, obviously proud of herself for helping me.

“Hey there,” The lady spoke, “How are you doing this morning? Is your knee okay? Did you leave something here?” she shot a million questions my way.

“I'm doing much better than before and my knee is still a little sore but I'll live, thanks for asking,” I answered, “I did leave my truck here last night so I just got dropped off to get it, but I really just came in here to tell you how much I appreciate your help last night, so thank you.” I beamed.

“Oh it's no problem darling,” She started, “I actually want to thank you for the opportunity to help you, when I saw you on the stairs crying, it reminded me of myself 40 or so years ago, and I still wish to this day that I had someone to help me when things weren't going so well. I don't want to get in your business but if you don't mind me asking, that boy you went to see, he was part of the reason you were upset, right?”

When I thought about going to thank this lady, Barbara, I believe it was, guessing by the name tag she wore that I hadn't noticed till then, I didn't expect it to get so personal and I didn't know how to reply.

“Uh...Yeah. How could you tell?” I asked, deciding it wouldn't hurt to tell her the truth.

“Well, when he checked in he was very rude and demanding,” She said, checking if I was offended, but of course I wasn't, Jake was a jerk, “That's why I was acting so crude when you came in to get the key.” She looked ashamed.

As I was reassuring Barbara that I understood her being in a bad mood the other night, I saw someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. Jake.

I turned my head looking straight into his eyes, expecting him to walk up to me and say something, but to my great surprise he spun around quickly and rushed out the door.

“Alright Barbara, well I have to go handle things out there as you can see, so have a good rest of the day,” I said quickly, hoping I would catch Jake before he left. I had a lot of things to say to that asshole. He wasn't getting off the hook this time.

I ran out the door, turning my head left to right, trying to spot Jake’s red, lifted truck, it wasn't that hard to fine. I ran over, catching him just before he left.

But Jake had other plans. He completely ignored I was right next to him, signaling him to roll down the window, he continued backing out.

“Jake, We need to talk!” I shouted, banging both of my hands on his window. Jake didn't care at all, still backing out, ignoring me completely!

I cursed at the air as I saw his truck driving down the street. He had just confirmed what an asshole he was and right then and there I decided I was completely done with him for good.

I stomped over to where my truck was parked and opened the door, pissed off and irritated. As I was opening the door I noticed an envelope tucked under the windshield wipers of my truck. I leaned forward and grabbed the envelope quickly, curious as to who put it there.

I turned the white envelope over and there, written in Jake’s sloppy, careless handwriting, was my name.

So whatever was inside was from Jake. I snorted at how pathetic he was. He couldn't face me in person so he decided to write me a letter or got me a card, whatever was in there.

I was so furious I didn't even bother opening it. I had said I was done with him so why read it now. It wouldn't change the way I felt about him. He was a bratty little jerk of an asshole. A god damn prick!

I threw the envelope onto the passenger seat and got into my little truck. I then pulled out of the parking space in front of the hotel and started driving home, every now and then looking at the envelope, tempted to rip it open and read it, but I stayed strong all the way home.

I parked in front of my house, scared to go in and face my parents. They were probably worried out of there minds, but I had to do it sooner or later so I got out of my truck, shoving the envelope in my pocket and headed for the door.

I then pulled the door open, expecting the worst, but all I saw were both my parents sitting on the couch watching TV like nothing had even happened.

“Hey guys.” I smiled, not sure what to say next.

“Hey Baby, how was breakfast with Adam?” My mom asked, both my mom and dad grinning back at me.

“Oh how did you know I went to breakfast with Adam?” I asked, wondering how the hell they knew my excuse. Adam must had talked to them.

“Adam called afterward and explained to us that your phone was dead, and that after breakfast you went to go check out a new boutique downtown.” My dad replied. Thank god for Adam. He just saved me from an explanation I was not in the mood to give.

“Where's Riley at?” I asked. It was strange not seeing that hyper baby boy crawling around.

Riley had just turned 7 months a couple days ago and he was cuter than ever. His eyes were deep blue just like mine, he also had a small pointy nose like me too.

His hair on the other hand was the exact opposite, He had smooth wavy dark brown hair, just like our daddy.

“He is actually taking a nap.” My mom grinned, “Thank the lord for that.” She laughed. Well that explained why they were so relaxed and happy. I'd have to remember to thank him later.

I decided to join my mom and dad to watch TV, since they were always busy taking care of baby Riley. It was nice to hang out with them when things weren't so hectic.

An hour passed by, we had been watching animal planet, really interested in this baby cheetahs life.

“Waaaaaahh!” We all heard Riley cry from the other room. My mom began to get up but my dad stopped her.

“No you sit back down honey, I got it this time.” My dad got up and went to get Riley. It was always nice to see my mom and dad still more in love than ever.
They always gave me hope that I would find that one special guy just for me some day.
They had been married for 20 years and I was proud to let anyone that was interested know.

“I'm going to make me a sandwich, want one?” My mom asked. My mom got off the couch waiting for my answer. My stomach growled answering her question. I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving.

My mom giggled when she heard my stomach growl.

“I thought you went to breakfast?” My mom asked, now suspicious.

“I did, but I didn't eat much because I was filling a little sick earlier.” I made up a quick lie.

My mom went into the kitchen and fixed us up some sandwiches, I ate mine real quick, eager to get to my room and think about everything that had happened earlier.

“Alright Mom,” I went on, fake yawning, “I'm super tired, I think I'll go up and take a nap.” I lied again.
I ran up the stairs to my room, almost running into the door. I stepped inside, shut the door and plopped onto my unmade bed.

The first thing I decided to do was text Adam. I got my blackberry out of my pocket and hooked it to its charger, my phone dieing was the only thing Adam and I didn't lie about to my parents.


I tapped the send button and then laid there on my bed, actually kind of tired. My phone began to vibrate and as I assumed it was Adam.


I put my phone down and sprawled out on my bed. I had a lot to think about, but I was really tired so I decide I would actually take a nap.

“Ouch!” I screamed, something had poked my thigh. I felt around and then realized the envelope from Jake was still in my pocket, now getting very crumpled.

I reached into my pocket and grabbed it out, staring at it, wondering if I should open it.

“It wouldn't hurt to just read a bit of it .” I thought to myself, sliding my finger under the tab, slowly ripping it opened. I gently pulled whatever was in there out. A card.

This card was pretty plain, obviously Jake hadn't put much thought into it. I opened it up expecting a long note inside. Nope, just a couple sentences scribbled in.

I then reminded myself to stop expecting anything from Jake, because apparently I didn't know him like I thought I did.

Dear Kristen,

I'm sorry about last night. I think we can agree that both of us did some things we regret. Do me a favor and forget about it. Call me when you calm down.

Your boyfriend, Jake

I shook my head as I read the pathetic little note Jake thought would win me back over. How could he say “We can agree that both of us did things we regret.”?

Jake wouldn't leave me alone about having sex, causing me to give in a bit, and then he tried taking advantage of me and wouldn't get off of me after many times of telling him to!

Yeah I bit his get that pig off of me! I did not regret anything that night and I never would.

I read the note over and over again, realizing how embarrassing it was to call Jake my boyfriend. I then decided I'd have to end things with him as soon as possible and that was that.
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Please give me some feedback folks! :)