Status: This is my first story so take it easy on me! Enjoy.. :)




A big smile spread across my face as I read the message Kristen had just sent me. I yawned, slowly sitting up from my bed, stretching my arms and legs.

I checked my clock, it was 10:00 AM. I quickly got dressed and then went straight to Kristen's house.

“Kriiiisssten.” I waited, knocking on her front door. I sat there for a couple minutes before I heard her footsteps inching closer and closer.

“Sorry!” Kristen breathed heavily, “This one has me running around all over the place! Huh Riley?” She tickled Riley, who she was holding in her arms.

He giggled, showing his two new front teeth. I stood there, waiting for her to give me the okay to come in.

“Come on in.” Kristen smile. It was relieving to know that she was being her joyous self again. It was only last week when the big ordeal with her and Jake went down.

We hadn't talked about it much since then, but I didn't mind, I figured it was just painful for her to rehash the horrible memory.

I stepped inside, following Kristen and Riley to the living room. Kristen set down Riley and turned around to give me a big hug. I squeezed her tightly.

“I..uh..can't breaatth” She barely got out. I released, and let her catch her breath, laughing the whole while.

“Jerk!” She teased, punching me in the gut.

“We better not keep our eyes off that little one,” I ran over and grabbed Riley off the kitchen floor.

“Hi little bud, do you miss your bess friend?” I smiled at Riley. He was a handsome little boy. Although his hair was much darker than Kristen's, they're faces looked almost identical.

“Admm” Riley mouthed, me and Kristen both started cracking up.

“Yes, Adam, that’s my name,” I replied. Riley started wiggling, trying to escape from my arms. I gently placed him on the ground, and both Kristen and I watched him carefully as he crawled to his Elmo toy.

“So, are you excited for school?” I asked Kris, trying to start a conversation.

“Urg, no, don't remind me.” She fake gagged. Winter vacation was over in about a week, and just like Kristen, I wasn't very excited about going back. School was a drag. It was full of a bunch of stereotypical teenagers, and I had no place there. I wasn't a very good academic student, and my social skills were kind of rusty.

“What are your plans for tomorrow?” I asked, changing the subject.

Tomorrow was New Years Eve, I had no idea what I was going to do, probably sit in my room and fall asleep before the ball dropped. Pathetic, right?

“You mean what are WE going to do tomorrow? Kris pointed to me and then to herself, “WE are going to Holly's party, and don't even try to get out of it, because were going no matter what, I'll drag you there if I have to.” She grinned.

“Uh excuse me,” I went on, “But you didn't even bother asking me if I had plans tomorrow?” I said matter of factly, trying to make her think I actually did have plans.

“Well, do you have plans?” She asked, already knowing what the answer was.

“No.” I sighed, “But really Kristen, Holly? You know I hate people like that, she walks around our school halls like she runs the place.” I gave her a begging frown, trying to convince her not to drag me along with her.

“Everyone's invited,” She continued, “It's going to be so packed I doubt we'll even see her.” She assured me, as if that made me want to go any more.

“Well what if you see Jake there?” I asked, trying to change her mind.

“He goes to New York to visit his family every New Years.” She laughed, “You're not getting out of this Adam.” I sighed, knowing she was right, even if I really didn't want to go, I'd do it for Kristen, because I hated letting her down.

“Fine.” I glared at her, “Your evil you know that.” She giggled, walking over to me, resting her hands on my shoulders and massaging them.

“Ohhh.” I groaned, “That feels so good.” I closed my eyes, as she continued rubbing my back perfectly.

“Uhum,” We both heard some one clear their throat. We turned our heads, Finding Kristen's mom, Mrs. Cole, standing there waiting for our attention.

“Hey mom,” Kristen greeted her, dropping her hands from my shoulders, “We didn't hear you come in.” we both grinned at her.

“Hi Mrs. Cole.” I also greeted her. Giving her a proper smile.

“Yeah,” Mrs. Cole went on, “The interview was shorter than I expected it to be.” She bent down, picking up Riley and giving him a kiss on the cheek

“I missed you cutie!” She baby talked to him, also pinching his chunky little cheeks. Riley grabbed her fancy jacket suit, playing with the pretty buttons.

“Alright, well you two are off the hook, go have fun!” Mrs. Cole instructed us.

“Ehh, I'm not really up to doing anything today,” Kris replied, “ I think I'll just relax until tomorrow.”

“Oh come on Kristen, why don’t you guys at least have a sleepover like the old days or something?” Her mom suggested.

“That actually sounds pretty fun,” Kristen glanced at me, “What do you think?” She looked at me, waiting for me to reply.

“I'm in.” I missed spending time with Kristen, we used to do everything together and now we didn't see each other as much, so I jumped at any chance to hang out with her.

“Whose house should we stay at?” Kristen asked, dragging me upstairs, leading me to her room.

“We could go over to mine, I just rented the Hangover 2 and haven't watched it yet.” I proposed.

“Yeah, that would probably be better for you,” She went on, “I'm used to it, but I'm sure you would wake up from Riley's loud cry’s in the middle of the night.” Kristen rummaged through her drawers, trying to find some sweats for later.

“Okay are you ready?” I asked her as soon as she got all of the things she needed.

“Yeah, lets go!” She smiled, looking excited, for what was only going to be a day and night full of watching movies.

We walked the short distance over to my house, as we got there Kristen plopped on the couch and I slid the hangover into the DVD player. I then joined Kristen on the couch.

We watched the hangover in silence, laughing every now and then. The credits started rolling and we both got up to stretch our body’s, stiff from sitting so long.

“What shall we watch next?” I asked. Looking through the big collection of movies my mom and I owned.

“I think it's time for a twilight marathon!” She squealed. Looking at me with an evil smile, knowing that I hated those damn cheesy ass movies.

“Oh my, kill me now!” I groaned. I picked out Twilight and then put it into the DVD player carefully.

“So, I decided I’m going to brake up with Jake.” Kristen shot out quickly, obviously trying to ovoid talking about it any further.

“Really?” I said, astonished. I mean, Kristen and Jake had fought before, but they had never broken up. I was happy to think that Kristen was finally finished with his bullshit, “What changed your mind?”

“Well, last week, when I went to thank that lady, I ran into him, instead of coming up to me he ran out the door and got out of there as fast as he could, ignoring me the whole time.” Kristen began to retell, “When I got back to my truck I found a card from him. It was pathetic by the way, just a few lines about how I should forget about it, and I just decided I couldn't deal with him any longer.” She stated, I was proud of how strong she was acting.

“I'm so proud of you Kris,” I smiled at her, “You deserve way better than him and I'm glad you figured that out.”

“Yeah, I'm proud of myself too,” She said with satisfaction, “I'm dreading the moment I have to talk to him about it though.” She sat back down on the couch with a frown on her face.

“You're gonna have to face him sooner or later, you'll see him at school next week so you better get it done before then.” I lectured her.

She nodded in agreement and then I joined her on the couch and grabbed the remote to play the movie.

I sat there trying to pay attention to the corny vampire film but it was much less interesting than watching Kristen's expression as she watched her favorite movie.

“Aww.” She would say every now and then, making me chuckle.

The rest of the day and night we spent watching movies and eating Popcorn, pizza, and then finally ice cream. Just like back in the old days we pigged out, and it felt great to be back to our old ways.

After the last Twilight movie, I smiled, relieved it was finally over. I turned my head toward Kristen, finding her asleep, drooling on one of the couch pillows.

I picked her up gently, trying not to wake her, and carried her to my room. I placed her on my bed, covering her with the thick, blue bedspread.

I looked down at her, my heart beat speeding up a bit faster. I leaned in and passionately kissed her forehead.

“Love you.” I whispered. I then crawled into the bed and fell asleep next to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't the greatest chapter but it'll just have to do! :)