No One's Gonna Need You More

You Don't Seem to Care

Jack stumbled back onto the bus and made a beeline for the bunks, Specifically Alex’s bunk. And though his friends had made sure he was considerably wasted, it hadn’t made him forget about Alex or how much he’d wanted to go back to him. He tripped over his own feet and almost fell face first onto the floor. Matt caught him before he could break his face and Jack saw a saddened look cross Matt's face when all he did was shrug him off and continue back toward Alex.

He stopped short when he saw Ian sitting on the edge of the bunk. He was swinging his feet over the side and though he wasn’t touching Alex he was still there, next to him, and Jack was seeing red.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Ian’s head shot up when he heard Jack’s voice and he quickly stood up and moved away. He bit his lip, folding in on himself, any effort to make himself smaller.

“I said what the fuck are you doing!?” Jack was shouting now and Ian cowered down further. He wasn’t good with yelling and confrontation.

“I…I wasn’t doing anything.”

“You were in my fucking boyfriend’s bunk! I don’t fucking call that not doing anything!”

“But…I wasn’t…we weren’t…he just… He’s asleep!” Ian was losing this battle. He had always failed when it came to fights and Jack was drunk and not only that but he hated Ian, and he wasn’t listening.

“You think I don’t notice how you stare at him? How you get that stupid look on your face every time he looks at you. News flash though, he’s my boyfriend. We’ve been together for five years. And I looked past it at first but I’m not anymore. Don’t go near him. Don’t talk to him and don’t fucking touch him.”

“I …”

“No, shut the fuck up Ian. Stay away from him or I’ll make sure you do” At that Jack stormed out back toward the front lounge, most likely to complain to Matt about having Ian on this tour.
Ian jumped as Alex poked his head out of the bunk looking up at him with sad eyes. He still looked half asleep but it was obvious he’d heard the conversation.


Ian just shook his head because Alex had just heard his boyfriend come back here and shout at him and he hadn’t said or done anything. Jack had threatened him and Alex had stayed in his bunk and kept his mouth shut.

“Don’t talk to me”

Ian started to turn around and head into the back lounge, he wasn’t about to go up front and face Jack again.


Alex shrank back when Ian spun around, glaring at him.

“No, Alex, you don’t get to fucking speak to me right now. How the hell could you just lie there and let him do that to me? I thought I meant a bit more to you than that. But I guess I was wrong.”

Alex flinched as Ian slammed the back lounge door. Well fuck. He was going to have to find some way to make that up to him. In the meantime though, he had an angry, drunk boyfriend who’d probably progressed from his angry stage to his insecure, crying stage.

Alex slowly got out of his bunk and headed to the front of the bus. He would much rather be making Ian feel better right now but Jack was still his boyfriend and Ian was still just Ian. He found Jack on the couch, head resting in Matt’s lap, and if Alex wasn’t so occupied with his growing feelings for Ian and his lesser feelings for Jack, that might be a little suspicious to him.

Alex easily took Jack from Matt’s arms and pulled him back to his own bunk, rubbing his back soothingly and whispering into his ear. He played the part of a good boyfriend well but he was growing tired of his role
♠ ♠ ♠
Short again.

I apologize.

But it has a bit of drama? Yay for that?