Joker's Little Girl

Hair Dye and Talks at Dinner

I was confused.

Why would Bruce just leave without saying anything?

Well he is Bruce Wayne; he probably has no time for us 'little people’

“Hey it’s getting pretty late Jezzie, and Boss wanted you back in time for dinner.” Draven said. He really is good with going from a fun and irresponable brother to my one of my father’s right hand men. Victor is Daddy’s first right hand man. Don’t ask it’s easier if you just smile and nod your head, that’s what I do.

I kiss Jacksons cheek and climb off of the hospital bed. I take the wolf with me since it “makes him look weak.” Like really you work for the Joker and having a stuff wolf from your sister makes you look weak. These guys make absolutely no sense.

I walk out behind Damien while Draven and Victor talk. Victor is gonna stay with Jackson till he is released tomorrow afternoon. Victor comes out and he and Damien do a bro hug thing. I hug Victor and kiss his cheek.

“Be good and stay safe, please?” He is almost pleading with me right now. I feel so bad. He almost lost his brother and he thinks that the three of us are gonna do something stupid and end up here too. Does he have no faith?

“Don’t worry so much Vic. We are gonna go right home after we stop at the store. I need some things.” Nobody questions me when I say that, thinking I need 'girly stuff’.

We walk out of the hospital, well I walk Draven and Damien are pushing and shoving each other. I roll my eyes and get into the backseat. Draven climbs into the driver seat while Damien gets in the passenger seat. I get a little scared and quickly buckle my seat beat and grip the Oh Shit handle as hard as I can.

“Is there something wrong, Jezzie?” I so want to kick that fucking smug smirk on Draven’s face. He knows im scared shitless when he drives. He is almost as worst as Dad. And that’s pretty bad and sometimes people get run over by them.

I say nothing to him and get as close to the door as possible. He turns back around and speeds over to the food store.

Once the car stops me and Damien jumps out of the car and run into the store while Draven walks behind us laughing.

I get a cart and walk down the aisles picking out things that I need or things I just want.
I stop at the hair products. I grab 2 of my favorite shampoos and 4 condiners. Just when I was gonna leave I saw hair dye. I grab 3 boxes of Daddy green hair dye. And then I was looking at all the colors. I ran my fingers threw my hair and looked down at my waist length blonde hair. I grab a box of blue dye, red dye, purple dye, pink dye, black dye and another green dye. I don’t know what color I want but I know I want the bottom layer of my hair a different color every time the one before it fades out.

I walk up to the cashier and place all of my items on the thingy. Just when she was almost done ringing me up Draven and Damien come running up with arm loads of candy. I roll my eyes and tell her that they are with me. I give the lady 400 dollars and get a dollar back. Really if it wasn’t for the candy I would only have to spend 150. That’s it, god I hate them sometimes.

We get to the warehouse and I only take the 4 lightest bags. For making me spend so much money im making them carry everything up.

Once I open my door, Butch comes running up and starts to sniff the bags in my hands.

“Don’t worry boy, I got you some treats and new toys.” I pet his head and place the four bags I was holding on one of the counters in the kitchen. Once all the bags are here, the three of us unpack everything and put them where they belong. I throw the 3 new dog toys in the living room for Butch to play with and start to cook dinner.

Once the chicken and pasta is all mixed together, I tell Draven to get Dad. Damien sets the table while I take out the garlic bread I made. I place the Chicken Alfredo, the cheesy garlic bread and salad on the table and get everyone drinks, 3 beers for the guys and water for me. Once I sit down the beers Daddy and Draven come into the kitchen. I kiss Daddy on his non-painted cheek and sit down.

Im happy that dad remembered not to wear his grease paint at the table. It’s hard to get the red off of the sliver wear.

Dinner is quiet and relaxed. We talk about how Jackson is doing and the guys talk about a game that I probably fell asleep during. All was good till Damien opened his mouth.

“So, Jezzie did you get Wayne’s number?” Oh my god really, he had to mention Bruce Wayne in front of my father.

“Who’s Wayne?” He sounded a little pissed.

Fuck My Life.

“Wayne as in Bruce Wayne, boss?” Shut the fuck up Damien, I glared at him even more but he was too busy looking at dad who is watching me glare at Damien.

“Why would you get Bruce Wayne’s number, Jezebel?” Oh he called me Jezebel. Fuck he is mad.

“I bumped into Bruce after I went to the vending machines and then he helped us get the attention of the nurse working at the front desk, that’s all. Oh and speaking of her, she disrespected me and called me a spoiled brat. Which I am but that’s not the point and that bitch glared at me because I was standing next to Bruce. Can you believe that Daddy?” I was hoping that mentioning that slut of a nurse would divert my father’s attention off of Bruce.

“We will talk about her later, I want to know more about this Bruce and why would you have his number.” Shit didn’t work. And he knew what I was trying to do, since he smirked at me when my face fell into a frown.

“Ugh I don’t know why but after we found out what room Jackson was in, he stayed with us. Ok that was it. Now can we finish dinner please?”

My father nods his head and goes back to his food. I go back to after I kick Damien in the leg.