Status: Work in Progress

Friends, Love & Misunderstandings


“Wh- what?” I splutter, my cheeks reddening. Luke pulls me closer and turns my head to face him.
“Sophie,” he says softly, staring into my eyes. He strokes my cheek with his hand, then leans in close so that our foreheads are touching. “You heard me. You’re beautiful.” he whispers. I open my mouth to protest, but he places a finger on my lips. It tingles like an electric shock. “You are, Soph. You’re gorgeous, funny and sensitive. Don’t try to deny it because it’s true. You’re amazing and I think I-” He stops suddenly and gazes at me again. Slowly, he removes his hand from my mouth. I stay silent, too shocked to say anything.
“Okay, I’m just going to go for it,” he murmurs and then his lips are on mine, kissing me. He has his hands on either side of my face, so I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his lovely hair, giving in to him and the kiss.

It’s better than I’d ever imagined. His lips are unbelievably soft and gentle and the kiss is so sweet. I have no idea how long it lasts before he pulls away and rests his forehead on mine again, but it seems like an eternity. The sky seems to have gotten even brighter, it’s bursting with pink and orange streaks. The sun must be setting properly now.
“Wow,” I whisper, closing my eyes.
“Wow.” Luke agrees. “Sophie, open your eyes.” I do as he requests and watch him as he looks at me. I’d never realised how long his eyelashes were until now. His eyes are arresting. They command my gaze, not letting me look away. The air between us feels electric.

“Luke?” I whisper.
“Yes?” he replies, stroking my face again. I reach up and hold his hand against my cheek.
“Why now? Why do you suddenly like me now?” I ask and close my eyes again, not wanting to meet his gaze.
“Sophie, you must have known that I’ve always liked you?” I open my eyes, shocked, and shake my head. “Well, I have. I’ve just never had the guts to tell you. Until now, that is... I’ve been trying to work up the courage for weeks, ‘cause I know that you’re probably leaving and I couldn’t let you leave without telling you.” Luke sighs before continuing. “And then you showed up tonight looking stunning and I had this horrible feeling that you’d gotten all dressed up for a guy that you like, like Adam or-”
“Adam?!” I interrupt incredulously. “Why the hell would you think I liked Adam? There’s only one guy for me, Luke, and it is not Adam.”
“I knew it, there’s someone you like. I shouldn’t have kissed you, I’ll go...” Luke begins to pull away from our embrace. I pull him back towards me.

“Yes, there’s someone that I like. You, you idiot! Always have, always will! I just never realised you liked me in that way...” I say. Luke grins and pulls me into a tight hug. Our lips meet again in an ecstatic kiss. When we come up for air I ask him,
“Now what were you going to tell me before you decided to kiss me?” Luke blushes and looks away. I turn his head to face me and look into his eyes. He hesitates. “Come on, Luke, tell me...”
“Well...” he begins. He looks adorable as he runs a hand through his hair. “You’ve been my best friend for the last five years, and you’re just so funny and amazing and, I think... I think I’m in love with you.” He blushes and looks away again. I lean in close and turn his head once again.
“Well that’s a coincidence, Luke, because I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you too.” He gives me another dazzling grin, which I swear stops my heart for a beat, and pulls me in for another kiss.

We stay on the bench, with his arm around my shoulders, staring at the sky as the sun finally sets and the first star appears.
“Make a wish,” Luke whispers, pointing at the sky with his other arm. I close my eyes and wish that I won’t have to leave Luke and this school. “What did you wish for?” Luke asks, staring into my eyes.
“Can’t tell you that or it won’t come true!” I reply, pecking him on the cheek. He turns and kisses my lips in return. “Come on, lover boy. We must have been gone for over an hour now, they’ll be gossiping about us soon!”
“Let them.” Luke says, hugging me close. I hug him tightly for a minute and then move to get up. When I shiver slightly, he wraps his checked shirt around my shoulders.
“A true gentleman,” I say, laughing. He smiles and tips an imaginary hat. We head back towards the meadow slowly, holding hands. I don’t ever want to let go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Silent reading is frowned upon.
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