Status: short story

The passion of a Son (short story)

Chapter 1

The news was startling, I had no idea something like this could happen. He was there one minute and the next he was gone. I knew I shouldn’t of left him alone just to go grocery shopping for my birthday party. I was turning 13 today.

I walked in the house to see the whole place deserted, not a father figure in sight. I wanted to cry out, wanted to scream angrily for not being there to rescue him, now what was going to happen to me?

Calm Chris, stay calm, I said to myself silently, this is not how a 13 year like you should be acting…ugh, but what else am I going to do?

This was tragic.

I decided to do the first thing I was supposed to do when I got back, put the groceries away.

“Happy Birthday Chris,” I said sadly to myself, sighing as I put the groceries in their proper places.

I then looked around the empty kitchen, sighing as I saw that how vacant it looked without my dad whistling happily and making a special dinner for us both to enjoy.

Then the phone rang, making me jump out of my thoughts, I raced to it, and answered it, saying, “Hello?”

“Yes, is this Christopher Snider?” a young lady’s voice asked on the other line.

“Uh, yes, who’s calling?” I asked worriedly.

“Ms. Gildon, your next door neighbor, Happy Birthday Chris, is your father anywhere around?” the lady asked, her voice cheerful.

I sighed, and said, “Thank you Mrs. Gildon, and sorry my father’s not here, have you seen him? When I got back from grocery shopping, he was gone.”

She gasped dramatically, which made me roll my eyes as she said, “My goodness, how terrible, and no, I’m sorry hun, but here’s a clue, I’ve seen him moping around Wendy’s about a few miles from here.”

My eyes lit up, and I asked with hope in my voice, “Really, Ms. Gildon?”

“Yes, hope that helps dear,” she said, before wishing me another happy birthday and added, “Hope you find your father soon Christopher.”
“Thanks Ms. Gildon, I do too, bye,” and I hung up eager to get to the Wendy’s Ms. Gildon was talking about.

I opened the garage door, took out my bike, made sure the house was locked safe and secure, and then rode down the road toward Wendy’s, hopefully I would be able to see if there is anyone there that I can talk to.

It only took me 10 minutes to get to Wendy’s. I dropped my bike onto the sidewalk and ran in looking around frantically for my father, but saw no trace, but my eyes did catch a girl I knew at school, her name was Angela Havens.

I smiled, and ran up to her as she stood wiping the counter that had spilled orange fanta on it, and said, “Hey Angela.”

She looked up to see who addressed her and smiled when her blue eyes fell on me, and said, “Hey Chris, happy birthday, sorry I won’t be able to get you a present, I’ll be busy this afternoon…”

She was going to say more, but I cut her off, and said, “Thanks Angela, but I need your help, have you seen my father come here today?”

She stopped working for a minute and thought for a few seconds before saying, “Yes, as a matter-of-fact he was here today, ordered a Double Cheeseburger and large fries, and then left, why?”

“Well, when I got back home from grocery shopping, he was no where to be found,” I said quickly, taking in every move someone made just in case it was my father.

Then I asked, “Which way did you see him walk?”

She pointed toward the other side of the street, and said, “He went across the street and turned right and then disappeared.” Then she turned to me, and asked, “Well, since you’re here, want to buy yourself something?”

Thinking of food was the last thing I needed right now, I shook my head no, and refused before thanking her for her time and running out of Wendy’s, grabbing my bike, and riding to the other side of the street and zipped around the corner.
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so, what's it like?