Status: short story

The passion of a Son (short story)

Chapter 5

Dinner was quiet and the atmosphere felt empty. I sat at the dining room table eating spaghetti and meatballs, I remember my dad teaching me how to make it.

I smiled at the memory, it was nice back in those days, but now, things didn’t feel the same, and I wonder when I would ever see my father again.

The phone rang, bringing me back to reality, and I went to answer it.


“Christopher, its Chief Quimby,” a deep voice said.

“Yes…any news yet, Chief?” I asked, hoping there was some.

“Yes, I’ve retraced the call this evening, and found that your father is somewhere in New York,” Chief said.

My eyes lit up, “New York you say?”

“Yes,” he answered.

That was weird, we live on the outskirts of town, and New York was our neighbors. I couldn’t believe it! My dad was nearby! This was really great news!

“Wow, that’s not so far, do you know where he is in New York?” I asked eagerly.

“We’re still trying to figure out where he’s located, but so far, we know he’s in New York,” Chief Quimby said.

“Oh alright, thanks for the news Chief,” I said, hanging up and falling onto the floor feeling so relieved.

My father was in New York, but where? I suddenly started to pack up a few things. If Chief Quimby doesn’t know where he is, then I’m going to find him myself, I thought, as I packed up my backpack with needed supplies.

I also took some money from my dad’s safe, and then went to bed. Tomorrow, I’ll make the trip to the bus station, hopefully I’m not late. After that thought, I dropped off to sleep.


The next morning, I was up and rushing to get to the bus stop. I ate a bowl of cereal and a granola bar before locking up the house, and jogging down to the bus stop with my load and cash.

Once on, I told the lady where I would be going, she nodded, and said, “I’ll have you there in a flash.”

I smiled, and decided to sit up front, that way I can get off as soon as possible.

It only took 20 minutes the most to get to New York, and I was glad I got extra sleep.

I woke up to see tall buildings, and busy people roaming the streets, but no sign of my dad anywhere.

I got off the bus, and started to roam the big city, I remember coming here when dad a business appointment, we both ate ice cream and had subs down at subway, and they were good.

I roamed the streets for a little while, watching all the people walk from here to there, and I also got a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty, she looked amazing in the sunlight, and before I knew it, I decided to settle in on how I was going to find my father.

I looked up and down, searching stores, restaurants, neighborhoods and I ended up finding nothing. I was tuckered out from walking around, so I suddenly found myself sitting on a bench next to a Chinese shop.

It was only a few seconds that someone heavy sat next to me. It was a man, his hair was brown like mine, and he had wore a business suit, he was busy texting someone on his phone.

I looked up to see that it was a perfect description of my father, but that couldn’t be, my father was somewhere unknown in New York. I looked closer, just to make sure that my eyes weren’t playing tricks.

When the man looked at me, his eyes widened, “Christopher?”

I looked taken aback, how did he know my name? “Yes?”

“Is it really you my boy?” The man asked, his eyes glistening with tears.

“Yes, do I know you?” I asked, not sure how this would turn out.

“Why my boy, you can’t even recognize your own father?” The man said with disappointment.

I shrugged, and then stared at the man, and said, “Dad, are you really sitting next to me?”

The man smiled widely, and gave me a crushing hug while tears streamed down his face. “Yes, my boy, it is, I’m so sorry if I caused you grief.”

I didn’t notice that I was crying too, finally all the pain that I felt, was emptied out right there. Some people passed us giving us cute glances, and smiled in awe, but I didn’t care, all I wanted was to stay in my dad’s arms for all it was worth.

We both then let go, and I said, “But, why didn’t you tell me you were going to New York?”

He took my hands and looked into my eyes, and said gently, “Oh Christopher, I’m very sorry for that, I tried to each you, but forgot that I changed my phone number. The business I’m working for needed me to live here for a while in order for me to finish the project. I guess you would call me a bad father, since I left nothing for you in return to let you know where I was, huh?”

I smiled, and then laughed, “Oh dad, everything felt so strange without your presence, but yea, I wouldn’t say you were a bad dad, I’d say you were just in a rush and didn’t remember to leave me anything.”

My dad nodded, and said, “Well, now that you’re here, we can properly celebrate your birthday.”

“Huh?” I asked, blinking twice.

“Here son, I bought you this gift,” he took my hand, and placed a Chinese watch on my wrist, it even had music playing from it.

“Wow, thanks dad,” I said smiling down at the little device.

“Come on birthday boy, let’s celebrate, I have a place where we can eat,” my dad explained before helping me up.

I smiled, and said, “Great dad.”

We both smiled, and started our walk down the street. I was truly happy to have my father back, and now that we were going to celebrate my birthday, I knew this was going to be the happiest day of my life.
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Aww, wasn't that a happy ending? Lol comments anyone?