Status: finished.

Love Always, Harry

My dearest Marvel,
May 15

It's officially been a year since It happened, and everyday I feel just as bad, if not worse, as I did the day it happened. Everyday I think about you, about your smile, about your eyes. Your eyes were always my favorite part about you, save for your laugh. Your laugh was the most adorable thing, and it got even better when you let out a snort because you were laughing so hard.

The lads don't understand; they think I should move on. "It's been a year, mate, move on. She isn't coming back," Louis said to me today. He noticed I was a bit down earlier, always notices, really, because I'm always a bit down. But I told him I'm not giving up. I'm never giving up on you. I love you, and I always will.

Love always,