Status: finished.

Love Always, Harry

prologue; harry

My Dearest Marvel,
May 22

Started the American leg of the tour! I can't wait to travel the country, see what the US has to offer for the second time. I'm excited to see Chicago. When the lads and I have a few days off, we're flying up there so we can explore more since we don't perform in the actual city. I know how you love that city, so I'll take a lot of pictures and send them with that letter so you can see what I saw, and I'll imagine you and I saw it together. I wish you could be here to travel with us. I remember you saying how you never got to travel further west than South Dakota; this would be a lovely chance for you. I will be looking for you everywhere, as I always do. I won't stop until I see those beautiful chocolate eyes of yours.

I know what happened was bad, and you know my feelings on the subject, but how come you haven't written at least one letter back? At least one to tell me to sod off and stop writing to you; or to say stop looking for you; or to say just stop living, so I will no longer live in this misery.

I have to get going, so I'll leave you for now. I'll keep writing once a week even though we'll be traveling. I don't think I'd stay sane if I missed a letter. These letters might be a bit delayed in getting to you since I'm in the US, but don't think I'm not writing to you. The dates will always be on the letters.

I love you, Marvel. I always will. Keep watch on the telly, we'll be on it every once in a while.

Love always,
♠ ♠ ♠

Soooo, this is my first story in OVER A YEAR, gosh. I can't believe it really. And this is my first time writing with One Direction, so don't hype on me if I get something wrong, yeah?

Notes on the story: Okay, I know this is only a letter, but it's just the prologue and it's just to kick off the story. The story will consist of a prologue, 10 chapters, and an epilogue, the chapters each switching off 3rd POVs, (the next chapter will be in Marvel's 3rd POV). The story is actually all written out, so no need to worry for late updates unless I get held up one day or something. The updates will be daily, I'm pretty sure, depending on the feedback/response I get. I'm really excited for this story, because it all comes together in the end, and I'm so excited for you to read it all!

So yeah, this is getting to be longer than the actual chapter, so I'll be leaving. Don't forget to sub and comment, and don't hesitate to ask any questions, I'm always up to answering. (:

here's a gif for you (:

Love always,