Status: finished.

Love Always, Harry

two; harry

My dearest Marvel,
May 30

Greetings from Toronto! This is our second week on tour and I’m already having the best time ever. The shows have been amazing so far, everything near perfect. However, a few nights ago, Zayn tripped over a chord, Niall broke two guitar strings during a song, and I screwed up on my solo one night. But, no matter! None of the fans noticed because they were too into the show, and that was just fine. New York was fantastic, and I can’t wait to go back again. I wish you had been there to see it, you would have loved all the lights and people, though I know you’re just like Niall and get anxious when there’s a large crowd around. But I would have been there to protect you, just like we protect Niall. You would have looked beautiful in New York. I know you always used to say you never wanted to go to New York because you never liked the city (Even though you’ve never been there) because of the people and the way they did certain things, and that it was a must to hate New York because you’re from Chicago; however, you would have loved it, Marvel. I know you would have.

I have to get going now. We have an interview with a radio station. I hope they don’t ask if I’m in a relationship; I hate answering that. I always want to say yes, that the girl I love is waiting for me back home. But I know you aren’t waiting for me, or you would’ve written back to me. I’m not giving up though, until you say to leave you alone. I’ll keep writing until my hands can’t write any longer.

Love always,

When Harry Styles walked inside the radio station building, everyone greeted him happily. He put on a rather large, rather fake smile and greeted everyone back. He knew how to act right now: Act as happy as he could be, then no one would ask questions and pry, and he wouldn’t have to think about her. How her hair would just flow naturally in soft waves; how her brown eyes would resemble melted chocolate, but still shimmered in the light; how she’d laugh at all his jokes because she honestly thought they were funny, even if they were a bit lame.

Harry didn’t pay much attention to the interview, let the others take over, who didn’t mind much, but still weren’t happy about it. He only spoke when talked directly to, but still acted as happy as he could. He was trying; he really was. He didn’t want to seem like a downer. He liked answering questions from fans and goofing off with his friends.

But he just couldn’t get Marvel off his mind, and well, that was more important than what his favorite food was, or which of his friends he would date if he were a girl. No, Marvel was much, much more important.

Louis wasn’t happy with him lately, and the two had a bit of tension between each other. Harry tried to get rid of it, tried to go out with just him and have fun together like they used to, but something would always remind Harry of Marvel, and well, Louis would notice, get angry, and leave in a huff, saying that Harry’s really changed, and not for the better.

Harry is trying. He is, honest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh gosh, you don't know how hard it was to get this chapter up. My computer almost crashed, and I almost lost the entire story! Thankfully, it started working and I saved the whole thing in my drafts, and my parents finally went and got a new computer today! Yay!

So, changed the layout a bit, do you like it? I like the blue better than the pink, I think, but if you liked it the old way, I can always changed it back.

Very happy with the feedback I'm getting! I got three more subscribers, one new recommendation, and three more comments! It makes me so happy to read that! And I can't thank you enough! I'm so glad you all like it so far! Keep it coming! It really puts a smile on my face!

So yeah, the next chapter is a bit longer, obviously in Marvel's point of view. This was just to see how Harry is when he's with his band and all. Chapter 5 is where it really picks up, so stick with it, you won't be disappointed, I promise!

So thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. (: Keep subbing, commenting, and maybe even recommending? Thanks. (:

Here's an adorable gif of Niall. He's such a sweetheart.

Love always,