Status: finished.

Love Always, Harry

six; harry

My dearest Marvel,
June 29

Hello, beautiful. We're going to be in Tampa for a few days! I know how you used to tell me Florida was your dream state when you were living in America because it was so warm, and the beaches were amazing.

The lads and I stopped by in Chicago a few days ago as planned, and with this letter are copies of the pictures I took. I thought about you the whole time, and imagined you giving me a special tour of your own. We saw the Bean, and the Sear's Tower (I know how you refuse to call it the Willis Tower), and we event went to the art museum because I begged the lads to go. They think it was just because I wanted to see all the art, which I did a bit, but you used to say the art museum was your favorite part about the city, and well, I couldn't pass that up. Maybe next time I'm there, we can go together, and I can see the way your eyes would light up at the sight of all the paintings, sculptures, and other artsy things you love so much.

Along with the pictures of what I saw, I've also given you a small gift. It's a bracelet, obviously, with a small picture of the painting Scream, which I know is your favorite. There was also a necklace that I could've gotten you, but I know how much you like the wear bracelets. (I've never seen you without at least five on each arm.) So, I hope you'll wear it, and remember that I'm always with you. I still wear the necklace you gave me. Do you remember? The silver chain with your baby ring around it. It reminds me that even though you're gone, you're still with me.

Niall wants me to go to this place called Melody Mart because they sell his favorite guitars there, and I'm the only one who will go with him. So I'll send this letter off for now.

Love always,

Melody Mart was just as Harry expected. It was a smallish, quaint store where every inch of space was covered with every instrument imaginable. Niall smiled with glee when he found his guitars, dragging Harry by the hand so they could look at them together.

A worker asks if Niall wants to try any out, and Niall immediately says he does and points out his favorite. A stool nearby is brought over to him, and he sits down and plucks at it to tune it a bit before full out strumming, Harry smiling fondly at his friend. Niall starts singing, a nice, soft Ed Sheeran tune that the boys all love, and as Harry is looking around, he swears he sees her hair as a girl is disappearing in a room in the back, the door shutting quickly after her. Harry goes after her, his heart racing. It couldn't be her, could it? No, she was in Cheshire, what would she be doing in Tampa? Though, she did travel a bit with her work. Maybe she came here. That was very reasonable, since this was a music store.

Just as Harry reached the door, a worked stopped him politely, said he couldn't go back there, only staff. Harry begged, said he knew someone in there, but the worker looked at him apologetically, said maybe wait for them to come out later, but those people were in a meeting and couldn't be bothered.

Harry sighed and nodded glumly, knowing the worker was only doing his job, and walked back over to Niall. For ten minutes Harry didn't take his eyes off that door, praying those people would come out just so he could confirm his thoughts or not. He just wanted to see.

But all too soon, Niall said they had to leave for the show, and after the Irishman bought the acoustic he had just been playing, the two walked out the store. Harry never saw those two come out of the room. But he quickly dismissed the idea of it even being Marvel, and forgot about it quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
hurrhurhrurrr. same storeeee? was it herr?

Anyways, yeah, I love this chapter for some reason. Feedback was great again, 2 comments and 4 subs, so thanks for that. :)

Does anyone watch the show Misfits? I just started watching it, and I'm in the second season, and I'm in love, oh my god. Please tell me someone watches this so I can obsess over it with them.

Anywhore, next chapter has a bit of a twist, so (:

For all you Larry shippers, (: This one makes me laugh so much, ahah

Love always,