Lie To Me, Just One More Time

Just A Chance Meeting

“Kelsey? Baby, is that you?” My dad asks.

“God! Yeah, dad, it's me.” I clutch my chest at the unexpected voice.

“What are you doing here?” He walks into my room and hugs me.

“I, umm, I broke up with Eric and left. I just really need to stay here for a little while. Please daddy.” I start strong but then break down.

“Oh, baby, of course you can stay here.” He rubs my back.

“Thanks daddy.” I say.

“Come on, change and go to bed. We'll talk more tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I say hoarsely and watch him walk toward the bathroom.

I wake up to the smell of eggs. I get up and go downstairs.

“Morning Kelsey.” My mom kisses my forehead.

“Hey mom.” I take a seat at the kitchen table.

“So, what happened baby?” She asks. I tell her the whole story.

“Well, I've never liked that boy anyway. Good rid-ins I say.” She smiled at me then cleared away my empty plate.

“I guess so.” She didn't understand that I loved Eric so much.

“You shouldn't be so serious with a boy at your age Kelsey.” My dad knew me better.

“You can't help who you fall in love with.” I say and rest my head on my knees.

“Love? Kelsey, come on now dear. You're only eighteen. You don't know what love is.” My mom calls out from the kitchen.

“Well, either way, she got her heart broken.” Dad calls back to her.

“Thanks dad.” I smile. He winks at me.

“So, what are you going to do today?” He asks, unfolding the newspaper.

“I made an appointment, so I'm gonna go down to the Municipal building and check out apartments.” I stand.

“Kelsey, you can stay here for as long as you need.” He tells me.

“Thanks, but I don't want to be a bother.” I kiss him then run upstairs to get ready.

“Good luck, sweetheart!” I hear my mother yell up to me.

I jump in the shower and the hot water feels amazing on my skin. I wash my hair carefully and then rise all the conditioner out of it. I get dressed in a tight tank top with skinny, low riding jeans. It was hot, too hot. I dolled my face up and throw my hair in a high pony tail. I look stunning and anyone will want me and not be ashamed to call me there's. I checked the clock then ran out to my car.

I drive to where I need to be and get out quickly. I rush inside and sigh. The lines in this place are so long, someone could die waiting in them. I looked down at my watch. I was early for my appointment and a good thing I was too. There's so many people here I tripped at least twice already over other people. I hear my name called out and look to the left, as I do I trip over something or someone and fall into a girl around my age, bumping her out of the long line.


I mush up the letter and toss it into the trash. I get ready and go get the custody papers. I park and walk into a lobby filled with people. The line to where I need to be is so long I know I'm going to be here for a while. I take my place in line and wait. After two hours I've moved up thirty spots and everyone around me keeps bumping into me. I'm extremely frustrated. As I think about coming back tomorrow I stumble forward by the sharp shove that I just received. I turn angrily ready to yell at whoever just pushed me.

“Oh, gosh, I am so sorry. Are you alright?” A girl about my age, maybe a little younger, looks up at me. All of the anger disappears and is replaced by something I can't quite put my finger on.
“Yeah.” I say quietly.

“It's crazy here and I tripped over someone's foot, probably my own.” She smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back. It's so angelic I can't help but get caught up in it's beauty.

“Yeah, I've been here for about two hours and now I've lost my place in line.” I try to make it a light conversation but I can even hear the tone in my voice. Her smile drops a little as she looks at the long line.

“Oh, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. Hold on, I'll fix it.” She turns her back to me and taps someone on the shoulder.

“Yeah?” He asks looking at her.

“I'm really sorry to bother you but we got pushed out of line and I was wondering if you could let us in front of you?” She smiles a smile that you'd have to be blind to miss.

“Umm, yeah. Sure.” The guy says and I notice that this spot is closer than the one I started with.

“Thank you so much. Come on.” She looks at me. I walk over to where she is and take my new place.

“Thank you.” I say.

“It's no problem.” She straightens her shoulders and stands in line with me.

“Don't you have to go somewhere?” I ask trying to make conversation, trying to get her to talk again.

“It wasn't that important. Besides, I have to keep up appearances.” She looks over at me and the life in her eyes dances. I'm can't respond, I'm lost in her eyes, they hold so much of a story I'd like to hear.

“I'm Kelsey by the way.” Her voice draws me in even more and I take in her every detail.

She has long hair the color of new leather that she has pulled into a high pony tail. Her bangs are held to the side the of her face by the head band that matches her outfit perfectly. Her eyes are a deep creamy chocolate color and they take everything in. I've never seen someone so beautiful. Well, maybe I have, a really long time ago, before the drama that surrounds his life now.

“Alyx. Alyx King.” I say after a minute.

“Well, it seems to be your turn Alyx.” She smiles.

“It seems that I am.” I walk up to the desk.

“See you." Kelsey turns to me and then walks away.

“See you.” I echo, watching her walk away.

“Can I help you?” The woman behind the desk looks exhausted. I get what I came here for and then go back home.