Sequel: All Your Life
Status: Completed.

Never Told You

Chapter 13


"Give him some time, he'll come around Mar." Ty assured me for the millionth time as I paced the length of my balcony, starring at my cell phone resting on the table.

"It's been 2 weeks! 2 weeks Ty! He's had plenty of time!" I sighed into my land line, collapsing into my reclining chair and covering my face with my free hand, "I need him to call, Ty. I'm a mess without him - well I'm always a mess but I'm less of a mess when I'm with him. I need him, Ty."

"I need him too Mar!" Ty snapped at me and my heart dropped into my stomach, "He's my best friend and my teammate and he won't return my calls either."

"I'm sorry Tyler," I sigh, slumping down into the couch, "I'm just...scared."

"Don't be scared to lose him, Mar. Brad loves you-"

"I'm not scared to lose him, well I am, but..." I sighed, cringing, "I can't tell you why I'm scared, Ty."

"Of course you can, honey." He assured me and I bit my lip, debating it.

"Promise you won't tell anyone? Not Milan or Rylan. Not anyone."

"You're scaring me, Mar. What's going on?" Ty asked slowly and I sighed.

"Just promise!" I insisted and he sighed.

"I promise, Marliegh. Now spill."

"I'm scared to end up alone...because I'm pregnant, Ty. It's Brad's and I'm terrified he won't want anything to do with me or our baby."


“She’s what?!” I yelled into the phone as my heart dropped. I quickly recovered when Brittany looked over at me. I gave her a smile and got up, walking out of the room.

“I just heard about it, but apparently it is true.” Brad said.

“How could she do something like that?”

“How can you say that? Weren’t you the one that got Brittany pregnant and left her?” Brad retaliated.

“But-I just-I mean-“

“You really have no right to be mad,” Brad said, “You cheated on her and she moved on. Isn’t that what you would’ve done if it were the other way around?”

He had a point.

“It’s just weird. I was with her for so long and…to see her with another guy is…weird.” I sighed.

“How weird do you think it is for her looking back at you?”

“If you called to make me feel like shit, mission fucking accomplished.” I snapped at him.

“No, I’m sorry. I’m just defending a friend,” he took a deep breath before continuing, “How are you holding up? Truly. How’s Britt? How far along is she?”

“I’m fine. Britt’s fine. She’s 5 months.”

“And everything is going good? Is there still gonna be a Baby Bruin in December?”

“Yep.” I smiled to myself thinking of my baby girl.

“That’s good.”

“Have you talked to Marliegh lately?” I took a chance and dove into the subject of my sister. I sat down on a barstool. He was silent for a moment before clearing his throat and answering me.

“Can we not get into this again?" He asked with a sigh.

“She misses you, man."

“She should've thought about that before-"

"Can you drop the fucking broken record act? I've already told you nothing happened with her and Segs. That was a misunderstanding on my part, Marshy."

"Please, you just made up with Mar, how do I know you're not just covering for her like always? Lying's nothing new for you, Lucic." Marshy spat and I shook my head.

"Low fucking blow, Marchand, but if you don't believe me why don't you try taking one of her fucking calls."

“So she can lie to me too? Thanks, but no thanks, Looch. She's caused enough fucking pain already."

“She’s hurting, too,” I said simply, “She thinks you hate her.”

“That's just it, as much as I fucking want to, I don’t hate her,” he let out a breath, “She shouldn’t think that. As mad as I am, I could never hate her."

“Tell her. Please talk to her. These fucking mind games are killing her. I've never seen her like this. She’s not her normal self.”

“I didn’t call to talk about Marliegh.” He snapped and I quickly shut my mouth.
It was silent for a few moments. We didn’t know what to say.

“I have to go.” Brad finally said, hanging up without a goodbye and I sighed, disconnecting on my end.

“Is everything okay?” Brittany asked, coming up behind me.

“I’m fine.” I leaned my head on my hands.

“You sure?” she wrapped her arms around me, and I couldn’t help but think of Rylan.

She always knew when something was wrong and she’d give me a kiss on my forehead and leave me to sort out my thoughts.

Brittany pushes the subject. She suffocates me, which only makes me more stressed.

Like now.

“I’m fine, Britt.” I reassured her, trying not to snap and cause a mood swing.

“Can I do something?”

“No, I’m good.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.”

“Alright.” She sighed and leaned into my back, keeping her arms wrapped around me. I just sighed and stared at my phone, trying to keep myself from looking up Rylan’s new relationship.


“Are you alright?” I asked Rylan. She’s been acting weird since she her phone rang earlier. She told me not to worry about it, but how can I not? She’s not all here, and I’m getting nervous.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” She smiled, looking up at me.

“You know you can tell me when something’s bothering you.” I re-assured her.

“I know,” She nodded. We walked in silence for a while before she broke it, “Have you ever had a fight with a friend that you regret?”

“Of course,” I laugh, remembering some fights I’ve had with the boys. I look down at her, “Is that what’s got you distracted?”

“My best friend had some choice words for me a few weeks ago and it really hit me hard. She called earlier and…I don’t know. It was weird. We haven’t spoken since that day.” Rylan shrugged, taking a deep breath.

“What did she say?”

“I didn’t answer the phone.”

“I meant, what did she said a few weeks ago?”

“It’s a long story.” She shook her head.

“I’ve got time.”

“Maybe later.” She said and I nodded.

“Well, maybe she called to apologize.” I suggested.

“I’m not sure I want to talk to her.” She looked at me.

“Your choice.” I shrugged and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She snuggled into my side, wrapping her arms around my waist.

“Thanks, Jay.”

“For what, love?”

“Being someone I know I can count on.” She smiled and I looked down at her, also smiling. She looked up at me and I leaned down to kiss her as she brought her hand to my cheek and smiled into the kiss.

“I’m always here.” I said as I pulled out of the kiss.

“Good.” She still had her eyes closed and I kissed her nose quickly. She opened her eyes and giggled, moving her hand back to around my waist.


"You'd tell me if I was acting like an idiot, right?" I asked Rylan as I flopped out on my couch.

"Why are you acting like an idiot?" She asked and I sighed.

"What if Mar wasn't lying? What if Milan did make a mistake thinking she was with Ty and I'm the one in the wrong here?" I asked and Ry went quiet for a minute.

"Well?" I asked, anxious to hear her advice.

"If you still love her, call her. That's all there is to it, Brad."

"I'm not sure it's that easy anymore, Ry." I sighed, rubbing my face in frustration.

"No, it's not easy, but if you want her back you'd do it anyway."

I was about to respond when someone started banging on the front door, "Ry there's someone at the door-"

"Good, I have to go. I'm kind of on a date." She admitted and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Then what are you talking to me for? Go have fun!" We quickly said goodbye and I tossed my phone on the couch as whoever was at the door started pounding on it again.

"Tyler? What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked as I opened the door. He pushed it open further and let himself inside.

"We need to talk."

"If this is another attempt to tell me nothing happened, don't want to hear it-"

"Can you just shut up and fucking listen to me, Marshy? This is more important than your bruised ego, alright?" I opened my mouth to protest, but he shook his head and continued, "Nothing fucking happened between Mar and me but that's not important at the moment. You need to go upstairs and pack a fucking bag because there's a plane leaving for Vancouver in 4 hours and you're going to fucking be on it."

"Why the fuck would I go back to Van?"

"Because you need to make things right with the future mother of your child."


Rylan and I got back to the hotel late. We had spent the whole day exploring the unfamiliar city. Eventually, we ended up joining a tour group. They had no idea we were following them, but it was rather fun to pretend we were with them.

“I had fun today.” Rylan smiled, taking off her shoes and kicking them near her suitcase before collapsing on the bed.

“Me too.” I fell onto the bed next to her. She grabbed my face and giggled as she pressed her hands together, squishing my face.

“You’re so cute.” She laughed before releasing me and putting her hands above her head and closing her eyes.

“You’re cute.” I retaliated and started tickling her waist. Her laugh was infectious and I stopped before she hit me with her flailing limbs.

“That wasn’t very nice.” She pouted, playfully.

“No? Well, let me make it up to you.” I said and sat up, putting my hands on either side of her head and kissing her pouty lips. She quickly kissed back, putting her hands on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. She granted me access to her mouth at the same time she pulled on the ends of my hair, teasing me and causing me to groan. I pulled away and gave her a warning look, “Not nice.” I frowned.

“What?” she looked up at me with a puppy dog face.

“You know what.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed a few strands of her hair and pulling it, turning her head and immediately leaning down and kissing her neck.

“Ow!” she groaned, “That hurts, y’know.” She said, but it quickly turned into a sigh and I smirked against her neck and slowly straddled her waist, continuing my assault. She re-attached her hands to the back of my neck and ran her fingers through my hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
When you're done reading this, go hug some you love, tell them you love them because you may not have another chance, and keep the families of the victims of this morning's violence in Connecticut in your thoughts.

We love you all, you have no idea how much your support means to the two of us, and if we don't manage another post before then, we hope you stay safe over the holidays.

xo Megs and Nics