Sequel: All Your Life
Status: Completed.

Never Told You

Chapter 7

This past week has been Hell. All I’ve done is worry about the girls.

Rylan- Was she okay? Where is she? Will she ever come back?

Marliegh- Was she okay? How was she taking all of this? Will she ever stop hating me?

I even worried about Brittany- Was she alright? Was the baby okay? What were her plans?

On my way to The Garden, I got a text from Brittany telling me she wanted to talk. I invited her back to the house after I got back from Locker Clean-Out Day.

Walking into the locker room, I saw some of the guys already there. They all noticed and greeted me. I said it back and started packing my stuff.

“So, Segs, where’s Marshy?” Johnny Boychuk asked.

“How the hell should I know?” Seguin shot back.

“Hey, Mr. Grumpy Gills…” Rask nudged Seguin’s shoulder, “What’s gotcha down?”

“Nothing.” Segs pushed him away.

“And the award…for the worst liar… goes to….Mr. Tyler Seguin! Give him a round of applause, everyone!” Andrew Ference announced, clapping, and some of the other guys joined in. I laughed and continued packing my locker.

“Fuck you.” Seguin groaned. Something is seriously bothering that kid.

“Hello Gay Boys!” Marchand quoted The Hangover as he strolled in, wearing sunglasses and a huge smile.

“Marshy!” Some of the guys cheered. This team is insane.

“Where ya been?” Boychuk asked.

“I had shit to do.” Marchand laughed, ”Gosh, mom, like, get off my back!” he said in a girly voice.

“Shit to do, or SOMEONE to do?” Thornton smirked.

“Little bit of both, but enough about me!” Marshy started cleaning out his locker.

I foolishly thought nothing of this conversation...
After interviews with the media, I sent Brit a text telling her I was leaving The Garden. When I got home, the doorman gave me a look I couldn’t quite figure out…until I got up to my apartment.

I saw a note on the kitchen island, along with a key.

I’m sorry.

I looked around the apartment and found it feeling empty. Pictures were gone off the walls and tables and Rylan’s coats were gone from the rack by the door. I walked to the bedroom, noticing more pictures gone from the hallway walls, and bedroom side tables. Rylan’s closet doors were open, showing off the empty space. I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands, looking up for a split second, I saw into the adjoining bathroom. I got up and walked in, seeing the counter bare. I opened the drawers and saw nothing but my own things. In the mirror, I could see through the glass shower doors. Instead of seeing Rylan’s colorful shampoo and conditioner bottles, like I usually do, I saw nothing. Her little duck loofah that is usually around the shower faucet was gone, too.

I put my hands on the edge of the sink and dropped my head. Every trace of Rylan is gone and my heart ached. This just completes the week of Hell…now its official.

I walked back into the bedroom and laid down. Even her pillows are gone. I sighed and tried to close my eyes, but it was short-lived, as there was a knock at the door.

After getting the rest of my things from Milan’s, Marliegh and I went out to lunch.

“So how are you feeling, Ry?” Mar asked, before twirling her fork in my spaghetti.

“About what?” I took a bite of my chicken parmesan, keeping my eyes on my plate.

“You know what.” Mar pointed her fork at me.

“I mean…how am I supposed to feel?” I sighed.

“How DO you feel?” Mar pushed.

“Alone,” I set down my knife and fork and looked up at her, “I know I have you and Brad, but I mean, I lived with the guy for six years. I told him everything.”

“You don’t need him, Ry.” Mar frowned at me.

“I know, I know.” I picked up my utensils and began to eat again.

“My two favorite girls!” Brad walked up to the table. He kissed Marliegh quickly before taking a seat next to me, “How ya doing, Ry?” He wrapped an around my shoulder, before stealing the fork from my hand and taking the bite I was about to take.

“I’d be better if you guys would stop stealing my food.” I rolled my eyes.

“Sorry,” He smiled innocently, “But seriously, what’s the word, hummingbird?”

“We got the rest of Ry’s things today.” Mar said.

“Really? That’s a step in the right direction, no?” he nudged me.

“I guess.” I sighed.

“Convincing…what’s wrong, Carter?”

“I miss him.” I looked up at Brad, and he crushed me in a bear hug. I saw Marliegh frowning.

“You gotta get over him,” Brad said.

“It’s only been a week.” Marliegh reasoned.

“Exactly! Get back on the horse! You’re a catch, Ry!”

“It’s not that easy, Brad! It’s not like we were only together for a few months. It was six years! He threw away six years for some slut and you wanna know why? Cause he never loved me. It was all a lie. He never actually cared about me. Ever since we got to Boston, it’s been all about him! I was just his domestic house-maid. I was strung along, playing his game because I was so hopelessly in love with him. I’m so stupid!” I got up and pretty much ran to the door.

“Rylan!” I heard Marliegh call after me, but I ignored her.

I almost thought about walking back to Brad’s, but I didn’t need Marliegh and Brad coming back, trying to comfort me. Boston Common was close by, so I made it my destination.

Once I got there, I sat on the nearest park bench and just cried. I really didn’t care what people thought as they walked by. This is Boston, I’m sure they’ve witnessed weirder things. I cried for at least ten minutes, before a familiar voice called out.


I looked up and saw Tyler walking his dog.

“Hey.” I sniffed, wiping my nose with the back of my hand.

“That’s attractive.” He said sarcastically, before laughing and taking a seat next to me, “What did Milan do now?”

“It’s nothing.” I shook my head and looked at Marshall, who had just jumped up on the bench.

“Nice move, Marsh.” Tyler pet the puppy’s head before turning back to me, “You sure you don’t want to talk about it? I’m a great listener, y’know.”

“I just… Mar and I went back to get the rest of my things, and it’s all hitting me again. He cheated…He played me all those years.” I sniffled again.

“I’m not taking his side, but he didn’t play you. He seriously loved you. Trust me, we all heard about how much he loved you.”

“So I’m just locker room talk.” I scoffed, looking away.

“No! That wasn’t what I meant!” Ty wrapped an arm around me, “That wasn’t what I meant to say, and that wasn’t my point.”

“I’m such a fool!” I cried, earning glances from bystanders, but Tyler just pulled me into him.

“No you’re not. You’re amazing, Rylan. HE is the fool. He let go of such a phenomenal girl. I’m sure he’s kicking himself for doing so.”

“I’m sure he’s probably fucking Brittany again. With me out of the picture, they probably go at it like rabbits.” I cringed at the mental image.

“Like rabbits?!"

"You've never heard that phrase before?"

"How do rabbits have sex?"

“I don’t know!” I laughed, shaking my head. Tyler laughed, too.

“There we go. There’s the smile we’ve been missing.” He smiled, too, “So random thought, what are you doing this summer?”

“Well, Mar’s graduation is at the end of June. We’re all going back to Vancouver to celebrate. You should come.” I smiled up at him.

“Sounds like fun.” He nodded, “Wanna come over to my place? We can play video games, or whatever. I just gotta get this guy home.” I picked up Marshall as he stood up. He then set him down, before turning back to me.

“Sure.” I nodded, standing up and taking Tyler’s hand.

“You’ve got a friend in me!” Tyler started singing,

“No! Please don’t sing!” I laughed and tried to cover his mouth, but he just laughed and sang louder.

“When the road gets rough ahead and you’re miles and miles from your nice warm bed!”

“Stop it!” I laughed, but boy was that the lyric of the century.

Brittany sat in front of me with a sonogram in her hand.

“It’s a girl.” She announced, handing me the picture.

“That’s incredible.” I smiled, running my finger over the picture.

“I thought I should let you know. I know you’re still trying to figure out what you’re going to do, but…” Britt smiled sadly.

“I think you should move in.” I said so quickly, I even surprised myself. Where did that come from?!

“Really?!” she smiled big before wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me hard on the lips.

“Yeah. I want to be a part of this baby’s life and help you, and I can’t really do that when you’re living somewhere else.”

“I agree,” she nodded.

“My Vancouver place, too. This place is sublet at the end of the month. But when summer is over, we can move you in here.”

“This is amazing. I’m so happy!” Britt was bouncing in her seat.

“Me too.” I smiled, “Hey, you should come to Mar’s graduation with us.” I offered.

“I’d love to go, but do you really think she will want me there?”

“She’ll have to deal.” I shook my head.

“Okay. Alright, yeah. Let’s do it.” She smiled at me.

I hope this doesn't bite me in the ass…

It’s been hours since Rylan’s been here. We’ve played video games, board games, card games, mind games, computer games, word games. If it’s a game, we’ve probably played it. Except, Monopoly…that shit takes forever.

It’s around 4 in the morning, and we are sitting on the living room floor. Ry is sitting between my legs, facing me, with her legs crossed. We’re playing Red Hands and right now, she’s winning.

“Ty, oh my god!” she giggled, taking my hand in hers, “Your hand is purple!”

“Your fault.”

“You should’ve told me!” she laughed and kissed the back of my hand, “I’m sorry.”

“It doesn’t even hurt.” I shook my head, “Can’t even feel it.” I shrugged.

“That doesn’t make me feel any better. That’s not good!”

“I’m fine. So, who’s turn is it?”

“Nope. New game. Let’s go.” She stands up.

“What haven’t we played?” I laughed and looked up at her.

“We haven’t watched a movie.” She offered, but then thought about it “No, but then we’d fall asleep…We haven’t baked cookies.” She looks down at me.

“I don’t have stuff to bake cookies. I don’t even have stuff to make cereal.” I say.

“That’s sad.” She shakes her head.

“I’m a hockey player. We’re not supposed to eat junk.”

“Not SUPPOSED to…but its offseason!” she smiles, taking my arm and trying to pull me up, but I become a dead weight, “Tyler!” she laughs and continues to try to get me up. “This isn’t fair!”

“Can’t help it, I’m just so tired.” I closed my eyes and laid down on the floor.

“Alright, fine. I’ll play this little game.” She let’s go of my arms and I hear her footsteps walk away. I open my eyes, but I don’t see her.

“R-“ I start to say, but I’m suddenly attacked by pillows. I cover my head with my hands and take the abuse. I can hear her laughing and its music to my ears.

I wish she knew how I felt.
"Honey! We are so proud of you!" my mom gushed, wrapping Marliegh in a giant hug when she made her way over to us after the ceremony. She beamed as mom let her go and she fixed her crooked cap before dad hugged her too.

Brittany and I hung back a little, letting my parents and brothers fuss over her.

"She doesn't want me here." Brittany frowned, staring down at her feet.

"I want you here." I assured her and she smiled weakly at me.

"Hey Milan." Marliegh frowned and my smile picked up a bit. At least she's talking to me.

"Congrats, Mar." I offered and she nodded.

"Thanks." she glanced over my shoulder at something and beamed again, "I'll be right back. There's a few people I need to say goodbye to."

She handed off her diploma to my mom and ran off without another word.

"Did you really have to bring her?" Nik muttered, rolling his eyes at me.

"She's my girlfriend, of course I want her here."

"It's always about you Milan, what about Mar? You think she wants Ry's replacement hanging around her grad?" he snapped back.

"Boys! Enough! This is Marliegh's day, let's not ruin it." my mother scolded us both and we sighed, nodding.

I glanced around, looking for Mar when my heart dropped.

Marliegh was standing with Marshy, Segs and Ry. Marshy had his arm around Rylan's shoulder, both of them smiling widely as Segs wrapped Mar in a hug and kissed her cheek. She threw her head back, laughing as she hugged him back.

When he let her go, she gave Rylan a tight hug and said something to her I couldn't hear. Rylan smiled and nodded before hugging her again and walking away with Segs and Marshy.

"Milan?" my mom asked and I looked away from Ry back at my mother.


"Will you and Brittany be coming to lunch with us?" she asked and I smiled, my mom gets it.

"We'd love to."
♠ ♠ ♠
Man, have I missed you guys(:
I am so so so SO sorry this took so long. School started on Wednesday and I'm already super busy.
BUT, Megs and I have been planning a lot, so be on the look-out for some drama-filled chapters(:
Love you guys!