This Lie I Can't Pretend

Cause everything has been taken

I screamed out in pain, attempting to hit someone or something, but my arms were still pinned down. I gasped for breath as I felt heat running to my neck and the rest of my body growing cold. I squirmed in my place until I could no longer move. My breathing got slower and slower, but my conscious was full. My adrenaline pumping heart slowed down more and more. I was going to die, and there was nothing I could do but wait for the eternal slumber approaching. I held my breath as I tried to make it go away faster, but before I lost consciousness, the pain in my neck felt slightly better, my heart stayed the same slow beat, my body was cold as ice. I heard the snap of a camera shutter and I felt the light from a flash, several times. Again I felt something wet travel over my neck, but this was of a different texture. I groaned and tried to pull away, I felt one of the straps holding me down let up slightly I shifted trying to get looser.
“That’s bad baby, if you can be good, you’ll live, if you’re bad, you die. Might have to get Ben to stitch a seam across your eye, maybe you’ll be better then?” The voice which I believed to be that of Gerard teased, dragging his hand down my form. I shuddered.
“Bastard, take your hands off me.” I managed to whisper. A sharp pain went across my face, he had slapped me.
“Fine, I’d say no meals for 3 days, but that would kill you, I don’t want that, so you get one meal daily, k. Hope you suffer enough to know not to defy your new master, Ben can tell you what happens when you don’t listen.” He growled in my ear, stealing a kiss before he stormed out of the room.
Light steps tracked towards me and my arms and legs became free. I shot up and Ben placed a blanket over my shoulders.
“Come this way, there’s clothes and a room for you.” He said sadly and led me down a dark hall.