Young, Wild, and Free


“Live life, and fuck everything else.”

This was Marty’s motto and the twenty year has been ever true to it since middle school.

On this particular night it was no different. Jason was his best friend, and this was the birthday bash.

Bottle after bottle and drink after drink; the liquor burns like Hell as it goes down his throat, but the effect makes it worth it.

The shaggy haired teen is soaring on the highest cloud nine. He’s a kite flying high in the sky and he’s gone.

His vision blurs, his mind scrambles. He feels like Superman with his confidence through the roof.

Standards, lines, rules, reason; all disappear with every gulp.

Sweat, spilled alcohol, and other type of liquids cling to his skin. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anything.

Even his own friend.

A blue eyed, black haired vixen comes up to him in his haze. Soon, in hurried, sweaty climax he claims her body for himself.

Only after he’s snaked from the room to rejoin the party does he realize. But it doesn’t matter. Nothing does.

He grabs another, nearly full bottle of alcohol- Jack Daniel’s to be exact and he pours it down his throat, gulping it down.

Then he continues to party like there’s no tomorrow.

He drinks, he dances, he fucks. He does it all and doesn’t stop until his body can’t handle it anymore and he passes out on the living room floor.