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The End; Always the End

The Hunger Games:Mine: Chapter Eleven

Chapter eleven:

In the Morning, I did my usual things, I ate breakfast, (which still isn't much) and I sharpened my knives. It was a pretty morning, the sun was shining bright through the trees, and from my tree, it was beautiful. I remember how in District two when Isile and I were in the woods, we saw that. Isile was 7, so I remember she was really chatty about the Hunger Games, but then she wasn't. She was enjoying the time with me. I just hope she knows I'm trying to win for family as well as myself.

I wonder if Fugy is safe. I mean, the Careers - or not if they broke the alliance - must be after him. It doesn't matter if they broke the alliance or not, they'll be after him.

But how will he get away? He's most defiantly not the fasted runner, no skill with weapons, so what can he do against them? I don't know if he's good with hiding spots, because I was working on that. In a way, I was right to Break the Alliance. Sixteen people are dead, two quarters, and this is the time when most bigger alliances break. Sometimes the outer Districts make big alliances, sometimes others too. And, Fugy about did nothing for me, but, well, save my life. I saved him many different times, and I gave him food, shelter, and he did nothing for me. Slowed me down, yes. Made me more vunerable, yes. Sucked food, yes. Took supplies, yes. But I'm what I'm really nervous about is Alla. Maaden could kill her; but that would make him a threat, and who knows? They could still be in an alliance! Especially since they "love" each other or whatever Malishi was mad about.

I'm a bit compelled to go look for them, but I resist the urge. There are too many deaths. And, it's just looking for trouble. Nocannons have fired, and I guess that's good, but that means the people are smart. Smart enough to knowthat it's later in the Games and you really should stay where you are.

Could someone tell the Gamemakers that? I know they'll try to bring us together somehow, espically the top three or four. I know they seriously like deaths, and they'll make it as bloodthirsty as it can get.

A fire of a Cannon goes through the arena, and I'm pretty scared now. Was it Fugy? Was it Alla? Maaden? Malishi? Wait, aren't the two tributes from District Eight alive? And what about Killer? I have to wait - well stay alive - till the night to see who it really is.

The two squirrels don't last very long. I ate half of one at breakfast, and now it's lunch, and I'm really pretty Hungry, and I know I'm Hungrier than one half of a squirrel. I get my knives, and I start to go out of the tree to hunt. I'm actually more careful than I though, mainly because of how many are dead. I get two more squirrels, and I start heading back to my tree.

When I'm there, I see some moving figure. I practically jump to the tree, wondering if it's Alla - or anyone else. After ten minutes they're gone. I cook the squirrels, and I eat a whole squirrels. After lunch, I kill two more, cook them, and put them in my food and water bag. For dinner, I eat another whole one.

The sky lights up, and there is the girl from District eight. It was her, and I guess that's a relief it wasn't Fugy. But I'm not sure if I really want him to die or not. Alla could die, that would be very useful, and Maaden could die, too. Malishi, as well.

The only dead tribute makes me realize that The GameMakers are going to bring us together - someway - and sometime soon
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