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The End; Always the End

The Hunger Games: Mine: Chapter Twelve

Chapter twelve:

The next day was quiet, but there were no deaths. I really didn’t like the fact of that; it just makes the Gamemakers more eager to get us to . . . die. District eight was still here – and that’s different. Most of the Districts below District four are dead at this time.

But, I could bet that Alla would kill them. Anyway, it’s not really like they had a chance of surviving, anyway.

It’s almost sad that I can’t find anything to do in The Hunger Games. Suddenly, I was flat on my face, stuff spilled all over me, and bleeding on the arm. My tree had fallen, and I got back up, grabbed my stuff, and I just started walking. Nowhere to go.

“Maaden, don’t make me kill you,” Alla! I wanted to jump in the trees, but I knew I couldn’t. I had to face Alla myself. I can’t let her get away with just torturing me, but I wanted to listen to what she was saying to Maaden, so I quickly hid.

“Ha-ha, like you could kill me,” Maaden this time. I guess they’re in an alliance. But really? Threatening killing each other? Doesn’t sound like an alliance. “Plus, you don’t even want to kill me. Isn’t it Fugy? I don’t remember. I just kill anyone I see.” Typical. Maaden shouldn’t care, and I won’t say he does. He just kills. It’s not a surprise for me.

“I could kill you,” I start to follow more, trying to make as little noise as possible. “It doesn’t matter. But, I do want to kill Fugy that would be very nice. I mean, he thinks he’s all that now,” I make a sick look, but I know she can’t see me “And it’s true he can’t throw a knife. Or anything else useful. I also want to kill Loren. I know she isn’t allies with him, so I could kill him, then her. Because she wouldn’t be there to protect him.”

“That’s good. Then who will I kill?” He looks at her in dismay.

“You can kill everyone else, of course.”

I step one more step, and a leave crackles. “Someone’s here!” Alla starts running towards me, and I run. “Loren!” she runs after me, and I run as fast as I can, I can’t really see, it’s all blurry, but I keep running. My head bangs against something, and my eyes whip into focus. It’s the boy from District eight. He looks at me for a second, and a knife comes past my head, almost hitting the boy from eight. We decide we need to run from Alla. We take off.

Malishi! I see her running towards us, but she sees what happens. She starts to run with us, as fast as she can. “What do we do?” She asks me and the boy from eight.

“What can we do? Run!” I say. Soon, everyone is running. Everyone in the arena. All in well time, the ground rises up, making us flinch not to fall off.

But the boy from eight is unlucky. His foot slips and he puzzles to the ground, if there is one. Where they rose up is about a mile’s length, and everyone is running away, throwing knives.

But I don’t see Fugy. A cannon erupts the arena, and I don’t know if it’s Fugy’s or not.

But I do know that I’m not the only one hiding.

I'm really falling hard for this. Misha is looking at me. I'm nervous, and I just want to say that I'm sorry, but he'll think I'm afraid he'll kill me. I am, but I didn't mean to kill all of his allies.

He chucks his knife, making me dodge it. I run straight into where the others are fighting. Alla sees me, and she chases after me as well. I turn to look, and I see her stabbing Misha in the chest, and saying, "My prey."

Still in horror, I keep running as fast as I can. I slow down when I'm at the edge.

And there, behind me, is Alla.
♠ ♠ ♠
MISHA DIES?! Yes, he does. Message and Comment if you think that was good or bad.