Status: Completed and Ready For Reading!

The End; Always the End

The Hunger Games: Mine: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter thirteen:

I froze in terror. "Alla?" I choke out. She grins, and throws her knife at me. I dodge it, and I start running as fast asI can, scared to death. A knife whizzes past my head, and there isn't many places to hide. As I'm running, I notice that they're making the arena smaller, but not making this a cliff anymore. Alla's catching up, and The Gamemakers are closing up the cracks, but slowly. If I stop, she'll kill me, and if I jump - I have a chance of surviving. As the Crack nears, I jump, and I make it safely across. I turn my head, and I see Alla, jumping the crack. But she's not as lucky as I am. She falls on the ground as she gets across, and she hits her head pretty hard. She gets back up, and I keep running. Trees are disappearing, and they really want to kill me, don't they?

I see the Cornucopia, and there is the metal plates that we started off of. The Trees are gone, and it suddenly startes getting deserty. Soon, there is a sandstorm. I can't see anything, and I don't think it's very good for Alla, either. I stumble on a rock, making me fall. I hit my face, but I bring myself up. I keep running, but not knowing where to go. My ears are ringing, nose bleeding, and I can't see. Just Great.


I hit into someone. I don't know who it is, but I don't care. I just keep running and running away from them. The sandstorm clears, and it was Malishi who I ran into. But, luckily for me, Alla's focused on Malishi. Malishi kicks Alla in the stomach, making her fall. Alla takes Malishi's foot, and flips her over, and takes out her knife to kill her. Malishi kicks her off, and throws a knife - which almost hits Alla, but she dodges it. But I see someone else behind Malishi. It's Killer! He almost stabs her, but she was busy dodging Alla's knife. Killer and Alla are surronding her, and I can't help but feel bad. I mean, really? Malishi's pretty strong, but no one knows right now what could happen.

The first knife is thrown by Killer, and it's dodged. Alla has one knife - and I'm positive it's used to kill me. That's better for Malishi. But she does something that no Career does. She runs.

Yes, she runs away.

It's surprising for me, and let me tell you, it's surprising for Alla and Miller also. They retreat, and I'm left alone for a while. I'm proud to say that all of my bags except for one because I dropped it. I probably would have lost the other ones if I didn't have them in the huge bag. It's good, mainly because the Gamemakers are very eager to get us. There are 19 gone; and that's relieving to some people. But not me. I mean, that means I have to stay here. Still it's better than some different things, you know?

But there's something weird right now. It's like this: Why didn't they attack each other? It's the games, and they're pretty dangerous. Two of the most dangerous. And, of course, they'll do anything to get rid of people. And, especially the dangerous ones. I really hope they're not in an alliance, because that would mean that I'd have to watch out for both of them at the same time, and that's truly not fair, just to say.

Not to long after that, the night sky came above me, and there were Misha and the boy from eight. I'm sort of sad about Misha's death, and you might think I wouldn't be because he's hunting me down, but I am. I really wished I could say sorry. For everything. I killed his allies! But, I'm glad I didn't have to kill him. If I did, it would be even worse. I wonder if he knows - at the place he's at now - that I am sorry and I really didn't mean to kill his allies.

That's a lie, and I know it. I did kill his allies on purpose. The first one, for no reason. Deln, because she was about to kill me! And I feel as if it's my fault, like I said before. He was going after me, and that's why Alla killed him.

But that brings me back to why Alla didn't kill Killer. I'm positive they're allies. But they can't include Maaden, right? But what if they try to kill him? No, I don't care if they do or not, it'll help me if so. And, Maaden could kill them as well, so I don't know if they could do it, and I know that Alla knows that. Killer, I'm not sure fully.

Go to sleep, Loren, Ok. I close my eyes, and I drift off into the wonders of sleep.
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ALLA AND KILLER ARE ALLIES? Is that a good thing? Comment and Message!