Status: Completed and Ready For Reading!

The End; Always the End

The Hunger Games: Mine: Chapter Four

Chapter four:

I run off of the platform, and I start grabbing bags, slinging them on my back. I looked around, and I took two more bags, and took as many knives as I could carry.Should I really be doing this? I mean, what if it's wrong, what if someonekills me? But I am a career right? They're scared of me, right? But how do I know that there are other careers that don't like me and may kill me. Or they just kill me anyway even though they trust me. I take two more bags, and as many knives as I can carry, and I takea long run into the forest.

I sat down, and I rested. After running like that, you've got to rest. It wasn't hot, nor cold, perfect. The sun was peeking through the trees - wait, there isn't a sun here. It's all computer generated. It seems so real that I really couldn't tell the difference.

I hear a noise of leaves crackling. I jump up, startled. I get my bags on my back, and I climb up the tree frantically. A person - no, a tribute - walks out. They look around, but they can't see me in the tree because I'm hiding behind the leaves. I soon realize that I should kill them. Should I? It is the Hunger Games, isn't it? But what does that mean you have to kill? I don't have enough time to think abot it. I take my knife out, and I throw it at the person's chest.

they fall down realizing what happened. I watch them as they die, it hurts but I must. I hear the faint cries of them calling someone named Misha, but it fades away. The cannon fires, and so others! The bloodbath must be over. The hovercraft comes to pick up the body, and I'm left alone.

I decide to search my bags. In the smallest one is healing supplies, and that's needed. It has pretty much everything I'd need if I got hurt, which makes me feel a bit better. I search the next one. It has bread, apples, blueberries and water. That's really good, mainly because there is a lot of bread, and same with water, but the apples are a bit short as well as the blueberries. I open the next, and it's mostly weapons.

Then I realize something. I don't have a bow and arrow. It would have been much easier to kill that person with that! But in this bag, there are only matchetes and knives.

I start to unzip the next one - "I don't know if she'll join," I hear a voice. It sounds like Maaden, but I can't be sure. I hear whoever - or whatever - it was come across my tree. It's the careers. I take my bags, and I put them on my back, and I yell down to them.

Maaden seems startled, but he's OK. "Come down here!" He says to me. I hop down, where the careers are. "Oh, and, this is Malishi, Alla, Adscoper and Trishia." He pauses to look at them, "And this is Loren."

"Have you found base camp?" I asked Maaden.

"No, that's what we're looking for," We keep walking on, and it seems like forever. I'm carrying four bags on my back, so I guess you can understand why.

"Can we stop here?" Alla asks.

"Sure." Maaden and the rest of us are under a bunch of trees. They start pulling things out of their bags, separating them into different bags. I don't know if I should or not, but I juststay quiet. "Loren, are you going to take things out of your bag?"

I snap into reality. "Yes," I say, reaching for my medicine bag, dumping different things out. I take a handful of stuff, and I look where they're putting all of the other medicine stuff, and I dump it in that bag.

"Careful!" I hear a voice behind me as I dump my medicine in the bag. I turn around, and I see Alla. She has red hair, and brown eyes, a slim figure.

"Do you want me to share my stuff with you guys, or do you want me to leave?" I ask her, the same tone of voice she said that to me.

"It doesn't matter if you leave or not, we still have our own things here. Plus, you're not strong enough to." I'm putting weapons in a weapon bag - now there's two - while she's saying that.

"I am strong enough to!" I snap at her, putting food into yet another bag. "You just want to play smart with me, Alla, and if anyone here isn't strong enough, it's you." She seems a little off guard when I say that, but she snaps back.

"Well, when we split up - if you're alive - you'll be the first one I kill." I'm nearing over to my other bag, and I freeze. Is she serious? Is she really going to hunt me down after our alliance breaks? I don't know, but I don't think I should worry. She could forget - or die. Plus, I could kill her.

I unzip the pouch, and what's in there is a bow and arrow! I'm really happy! Not the best way to describe it, but who cares? I take it out, and I put it on the pile of weapons. We have a lot of weapons, which may not be good. If someone sneaks here into the night, they can take all of our weapons - or worse, kill us.

Sleeping bags are set out, and we lay on them. I realize my thought is right. We need someone to guard. "Are we going to have shifts during the night?"

Maaden seems a little far off, but he looks right at me, "Yes, um.."

Ok, so here is who is going:

Trishia first shift

Me, second shift.

Maaden, third shift,

Adscoper, fourth shift,

Malishi, fifth shift,

And, Alla, last shift.

It's good that Alla is the last shift, because I'm pretty sure I'll be all rested up by then, and she can't kill me! I almost feel sorry for her. But I Can kill her. But, would the careers get mad? Or would they realize it's another death? I don't know, but I don't want to kill anymore.

The sky comes out, and both from nine are dead, one from seven, one from six, both from twelve, and both from eleven.

I'm almost disappointed that the ones from the outer districtsdied. It would be so much easier if the careers died, because they're the "toughest". It would be so much easier, also, if Alla died. But I really don't know the rest of the careers except for Maaden and Alla.Maybe they're not as good, or maybe they'll just die while we're hunting or something. Malishi doesn't seem tough because I don't know her, but maybe she's kind of like me. She doesn't want to kill anyone really. But, I'm pretty sure eight didn't die by only me. I'm sure some of the other Careers except for Maaden and Alla killed them. But, maybe they're keeping something dangerous inside, something I should be afraid of.

But, Fugy and Alco are still alive.
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OK, sorry for the last one. This one is longer: AND IT'S IN THE GAMES! Yeah, OK, I'm going to try to post until I get sea-level with My Posting On Quizilla. ENJOY.