Status: One-shot, from high school days :)



Surroria. A land of Imagination, Creativity, and Dreams. Possibly anything can happen here. I am the Keeper; bestowed upon me are the responsibilities of keeping this sacred land in a state of beauty. If not kept clean of the Unwanted (whom I’ll explain about in a while), this land of beauty can be destroyed. It was once on the verge of destruction had the Keeper before me not set limitations on this land. The Unwanted are the minds of those who think of explicit thoughts and influence the innocent entities around them. By Nature, the beauty of Surroria withers when the Unwanted think, imagine, or worse, dream. I’ll not go into detail about them.

I am at the Light Door, making my way into Surroria. I look around myself, and see the millions of human forms of Imagination, Dream and Creativity. Some, most likely the Dreamers, float on white clouds, while others frolic through the soft, tall, emerald-green grass. Some lay on the banks of a bubbling, sparkling creek, where colourful fish jump out and dive back in; their scales dance with shining hues hinted at by the brilliant sun. I sigh with satisfaction as I see the colourful images dancing above the entities resting in Surroria. I feel a tap on my back and I turn around quietly to face my trainee. This trainee is training to be the next Keeper, for I’ve a short time yet.

“Sir, when will you be leaving?” The trainee asks excitedly.

I raise an eyebrow. “What trip, son?”

“Um… I believe you were to negotiate with an Unwanted about… whether they can enter Surroria or not. One of them came last week.” I rub my chin thoughtfully. Frankly, I cannot remember an Unwanted in Surroria since I first started my post as Keeper; but if the trainee can remember… why should I challenge his competence? He is much younger than I, and should remember such things.

“Okay, you must be right,” I say thoughtfully. “Please have the Head Unwanted ready to see me while I check over something here.” I smile and wave him off. I roam through the tall grass to see a young girl picking wild tiger lilies. She sings to herself, and explores the different sounds her vocals can make. It is a pity, really, for on Earth she can neither hear nor talk. To hear and talk and sing in Surroria is her dream come true. I pause at her frail side.

“A lovelier tune could not be found even in the heart of Heaven,” I murmur kindly in her ear, and she smiles at me, singing louder and attracting a youthful audience. I pat her head in pride and pace to the Light Door. The trainee holds it open for me eagerly, revealing the dark abyss of the empty path that leads to many other worlds. There is no solid ground to travel upon, just the darkened space.

“Adieu, trainee, and care for Surroria, lest our old robes sit easier than our new!” I smile teasingly, and the trainee flashes me an uncertain grin in turn. I step into the dark abyss and seemed to float for half a second before I feel my feet hit the hard road of a busied metropolis. The streets are swarmed with busybodies, who are either travelling home, going to work, or meeting a special someone. I look around for a familiar building where the Head of the Unwanted might be working. I locate the building immediately, for there are pink lights flashing atop of it, and faces of familiar Unwanteds leaving and entering the building.

I make my way into the building and spot the Head bartending behind a dark counter. It is dark in the building, with faint music, smoke and faint music. I squeeze my way through the thick crowd and come face-to-face with the Head.

“Hello,” I greet him, trying to sound as pleasant. He snorts and taps his fingers impatiently on the countertop. “My trainee has informed me that you have claimed a peace treaty? To enter Surroria once again?” I look at him quizzically. The Head smirks and laughs out loud.

“No, but now we can enter, thanks to your so-called trainee!” the Head laughs and walks away. I stare after his laughing figure. I am confused. I look around, and sense the lessened presence of human activity as I see some Unwanteds daydreaming, gazing blankly at tables and walls. Panicking, I hurry into Surroria, only to stop short and mourn.

I barely recognise it; the beauty of Surroria is no more. It seems darker, and I look around to see the thoughts and dreams of the Unwanted. I spot my trainee standing near some of the Unwanted, chatting away freely. The little singer I’d met earlier comes to stand silently next to me, her song vanished.

“What’s this?” I ask sadly. “I think our country sinks beneath the yoke; it weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash will be added to her wounds.” I look down at her mournfully. She looks on ahead as the darkness conquers the light. Her ghostly pale hand is drawn into mine, and I gaze sadly as all of the innocent dreamers slowly vanish, leaving Surroria… possibly forever.

As the little singer’s hand disappears from mine, I prepare to leave the horrid as well. The trainee seems to have taken the post of the new Keeper already. I reach for the fading Light Door, and pause at the exit to get one last glimpse of what had been so dear to me. Some of the remaining flowers lose colour and wither away into nothing. The stream is no more, having run dry. The sun is no more, and large dark clouds inhibit the sky. The grass, flowers and butterflies are no more. The leaves have fallen from the tress, leaving the trees bare-naked. There is a sudden wind, and the thoughts and dreams of the Unwanted rush here and there, spreading the evil that I and the previous Keepers tried so hard to kill. Yet, I have failed.

I step out of this new darkened place, and just as the Light Door (now the Dark Door) closes, I open my mouth.

“Adieu, Surroria. Shall we meet again, though not in a state as creepy. Adieu…”