Just Think Happy Thoughts

Ch. 11: Iero Buys the Snackage

Orange and green glowed invitingly from the 7-11 sign as the dingy grey van pulled into the parking lot. “If you need to pee, I suggest you go now,” Melody grumbled, climbing over the backseat and undoing the back hatch.

“Shot gun!” Danny yelled, bailing out of the driver’s seat.

“No fucking fair, you son of a bitch!” Manny snarled in response as he fumbled to throw open the side door.

“Aw, c’mon, boys, play nicely.” Rosie pushed her brother out of the way en route out of the van, nearly forcing him to the ground.

Elena frowned and helped him steady himself. “Manny, I’m sorry Rosie turned into such a bitch. I’m still not even sure when that happened…”

“When we hit junior high, and she realized we had enough money that she could be a ‘popular kid’…” Manny sighed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder in gratitude. “I’m so glad you didn’t turn out like that, Lena. In fact…you’re the only normal girl in our midst. How the hell did that happen?” he chuckled.

“She spends too much time with us,” Tony chuckled, picking her up and sending her into a giggle fit as he headed inside. “Sugarpop, you want anything from inside? I’m buying.”

“Nah, it’s alright, all I want is a Mountain Dew, so I’ll pay myself,” she chuckled in response, still trying to wiggle free. “I can also walk, while we’re on the subject.”

“Nope. I feel like carrying you around.” Tony grinned and hoisted her up a little higher in his grasp. “And I’m not taking no for an answer, I’m buying. Snacks are on me, kiddies!”

Melody rolled her eyes as she followed them in. “You’re a saint, Iero, truly. I suppose if you’re this stupid, then you can just go ahead and grab me an Evian.”

“Fuck that, man, the bathroom can wait now, I’m grabbing nachos!” Manny chuckled evilly, skidding across to the microwave island. “Say, guys. I was wondering earlier…don’t you think we should buy LilaAnne a gift or something? It is her birthday, after all.”

“Hold up, hold up…Are you suggesting we buy something for that heinous bitch? Need I remind you that she caused the death of your first fro?” Danny shot him a disgusted look on his way out of the restroom.

“Hey, man, she’s changed since then.”

“Oh yeah, I’m so sure. Please, dude, no one changes that much in so little time. What could have possibly made that girl any less the spawn of Satan?”

Manny raised an eyebrow at him. “Try the fact that Satan abandoned her when we were twelve…Remember hearing that?”

“Shit, dude, just because that talentless slut of a mom of hers isn’t in the picture anymore doesn’t mean she’s any less bitchy.”

“I’m just saying, bra, it had to have had some effect on her-“

At this point Manny walked backwards into another boy much smaller than him, nearly falling over on top of him. “Son of a bitch, Sasquatch, watch where the fuck you’re…” The younger boy turned around to look at him, straightening his fedora and sweater vest. His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open awkwardly as he got a good look, quickly changing into a pleased smirk. “Well, smack my ass and call me Susie. Look who the fuck set foot in Chi-town…”

Manny tilted his head, trying to remember where he knew this boy from. Realization hit him like a brick. “Marty? Little Marty fucking Stump?!”