Just Think Happy Thoughts

Ch. 19: Princess by Dawn

“This is more boring than going to the art museum with Dad,” Elena whined from the back seat, staring at the van’s ceiling. “At least there, I run the risk of learning something that might come in handy on Jeopardy.”

“Tell me about it. If I wanted my brains to melt from boredom, I would’ve just stayed with Audrey and asked her to tell me about the ‘90s.” Marty covered his face with his hat.

Melody lit herself yet another cigarette. “There’s nothing that can be done, we should’ve planned this out better. We’ve got absolutely nothing to entertain ourselves with, unless you can magically get the radio to pick up that pirate punk station that was just outside of Cincinnati.”

“I’m not sure how well it would work, but I could ghetto-rig my phone up to the stereo and see if I can steal a satellite radio signal.”

“You can do that?” Tony shot Manny a glare of pure venom. “Why did you not mention you had this highly marketable skill before now?”

“No one asked,” Manny smirked, digging around in his backpack for a spare cord. “Given the opportunity, I could outdo all those pansy-ass kids in that computer hacker movie with Angelina Jolie. D, move your leg, I need to get to the radio.” He leaned over the center console, maneuvering wires into place with his tongue between his lips. “Almost…there.” He held up his Sidekick cheerfully as the signal buzzed to life.

Elena squealed in amazement. “That was incredible, Manny! See if you can get it to Spacetrax channel 54, they’re supposed to be doing a whole week of playing new stuff from Rubella and the Icks at this time of day.”

“Oh please, can’t you just get your new music online like everyone else?” Rosie rolled her eyes behind the steering wheel.

“Hey, I still have respect for the music industry. I like the idea of music being something to be shared, rather than taken. Hell, our parents were still listening to tapes at our age.”

“Tapes, Christ,” Marty chuckled, rolling his eyes. “The only time I’ve ever gotten a spanking in my life is the time I scratched my dad’s original vinyl of Purple Rain.

“OK, I think I got the channel.” Manny turned up the volume on the stereo, catching the DJ mid-sentence.

“…seriously, the bastard had the stones to ask me if they were real. Last time I trust someone when they say that Justin Timberlake is a perfect gentleman, I swear. Anyway, up next we have some new stuff from that golden goddess herself, Rubella Infectious. This is The Icks’ cover of Green Day’s ‘King for a Day,’ world premiere airing on Spacetrax 54, the Strobe.”

Another squeal escaped Elena, as well as Tony. “FINALLY!” they giggled together, high-fiving around Marty as they started singing along. “ Started out at the age of 4. My mother went down to the grocery store. Went sneaking through her bedroom door to find something in a size 4…

Danny joined in by the bridge. “Sugar and spice and everything nice wasn't made for only girls. GI Joe in panty hose is making room for the one and only KING FOR A DAY! Princess by dawn! KING FOR A DAY in a leather thong. KING FOR A DAY! Princess by dawn! Just wait til all the guys get a load of me…

Rosie’s eyebrows furrowed as she watched out the windshield. “Guys, we’ve got a problem here…”

“Oh, shut up, RoRo, you’re ruining the song!”

“No, you fuckheads, seriously, look!” She pointed a manicured claw out over the dashboard. Smoke was pouring out from under the hood of the van.
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I am infinitely sorry that this story's been dead for so long, but I'm breathing new life into it. Please enjoy.