Just Think Happy Thoughts

Ch. 4: Permission

“We do this by standard procedure, no begging, no whining, just cuteness at full blast. Savvy?” Tony held Elena by her shoulders and looked her straight in the eye as they prepared to go into her house through the back patio.

Elena chewed the inside of her lip nervously. “Why do we have to ask my parents first? I need to warm up before I can take my dad, he’s gonna be hard to break…”

“Because, sugarpop, if your dad breaks first, then the others will fall into place like dominoes. Once the other parental units see that your father is letting you, the poison apple of his eye, his little Black Princess of Jersey, go off on a cross-country tour with no adults, they’ll have no choice! It’s a fool-proof plan, but only if you give it your all and precious him to death. Show me the pitiful eyes.”

She gave him a stern look instead. “I hate it that you make me use my powers for evil.”

Tony gasped in mock disbelief. “How could you accuse me of something so horrible? I use you only for the greater good! Now, c’mon, do the pitiful eyes!”

“Dude, don’t act like you’re the mentor here. It was me that taught you how to get what you want this way.” Elena pushed past him and stepped into the kitchen through the sliding glass door.

Winding through to the living room, they came across Elena’s mom, bent over completely backwards on her yoga mat, a blissful smile on her pretty lips. “Hey, Aunt Lindsay?” Tony asked hesitantly, trying to comprehend how it was that she could flex that way.

Lindsay Way opened her eyes in surprise. “Oh, hi, kids,” she giggled, straightening herself out. “I didn’t even hear you two come in. There are cookies in the kitchen if you need a snack, but they’re still cooling, so it might be a few minutes.”

“No, we’re okay, Mom, we just need to ask Dad something. Is he in his studio?”

“Most likely, Dark Horse needs those storyboards by Thursday. I’m surprised he ever comes out of there to eat. Make sure you knock first.” Lindsay sat down and put herself into a lotus position.

“Thanks, Mom.” Elena nodded for Tony to follow her to the room at the end of the hall. The pounding bass of The Misfits’ “Rat Fink” could be heard from the other side. Looking to her partner for reassurance, Elena knocked gently on the doorframe.

“Come in…” came the gruff response.

They let the door swing open to reveal the black-and-red splattered den of Gerard Way, lit only by one overhead bulb. Various sketches lined the walls, and a rogue scattery of art tools covered the tables. Mr. Way sat with his back to them at the back of the room.

“Um, Daddy? Can I talk-“

“You wanna ask me for something you don’t think I’ll give without a fight. Is this correct?” Mr. Way still didn’t turn to look at them.

“Daddy, how could you think that?”

“Those are the only times you ever refer to me as Daddy. What is it you need, honey; my deadline on these is only two days from now.”

“Well...we were…that is, me and the other kids were thinking about what we should do to make this summer really special for Melody, and…well, Rosie got an invitation to LilaAnne’s sweet sixteen party in L.A., and we thought-“

“LilaAnne? Wentz’s kid?” Gerard raised an eyebrow over his shoulder at them. “What happened to, ‘Aw, Daddy, don’t make me ever have to play with her again, she’s not nice’?”

“R-Rosie says she’s mellowed out since then…”

“Oh, I see, I see…continue with the proposal…”

Tony gulped and stepped further into the room. “We wanted to know if it was okay if we could road trip to it, Uncle Gee. We’ve got the old tour van from Uncle Brian, and Dan’s checked it over and it’s in perfect shape. And we promise we won’t be gone more than two weeks at the most. We’ll eat our veggies, and go to bed at a decent time, and we’ll all keep an eye on Lena and make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble or anything. …Please, Uncle Gee?”

Way spun his chair around slowly and smirked at them, crossing his arms slowly. “As lovely as that little speech was, Tony, the answer I’m going to give, no matter what your argument is, is no.” Their faces dropped as one at the news. “And don’t you pout at me, you two; I’m impervious to it by now. The bottom line is, I’m not gonna give permission for this. Do you think that my parents would’ve let me drive cross-country with no adults at your age?”

“Baby, at their age, your parents were clueless to the fact that you were an alcoholic.” Lindsay had been listening to the exchange from down the hall, and had joined the kids in the doorway. “C’mon, baby, why can’t they go? It’s summer, and Melody’s eighteen now. And goodness knows that these are very mature kids.” She wrapped an arm around each of the kids, who in turn grinned happily up at her. “Please, baby? Can’t they go and have a little fun, while they’re still young enough to enjoy it?”

“My answer is NO! Lena, you’re only sixteen! You’re too young to go gallivanting across the country by your-OH GOD, don’t start in with the pouting!” Three sets of puppy dog eyes were boring into him, slowly penetrating his defenses.

Gerard sighed and ran a hand through his short black hair, sensing imminent defeat at hand. “I just don’t know, Lena…none of you have ever really been out on your own without one of us. Are you sure you could handle it?” Tony and Elena nodded vigorously in response. The tired father hung his head, preparing to give in. “Alright, you can go…but you’re on lawn duty for the rest of the summer once you get back, is that clear?”

Elena squealed and clapped excitedly, jumping across the room to hug her dad around the neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Daddy! You won’t regret it, I swear! And I’ll mow the lawn every single day when I get back!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m a peach…just come back in one piece, honey…”