The Sound.

Chapter One

I turned around to the sound of your voice but when I turned I was greeted with silence.

I've been having the same dream night after night and I still don't know whose voice I am hearing. The dream consists of darkness and I start hearing a voice calling for me and when I finally realize that it is coming from behind me and I turn around I wake up. You would think that I would remember that the voice is coming from behind me and I would look around in the beginning but I never do. It's been three days in a row that this dream has occupied my mind. I heard somewhere that if you have the same dream three days in a row that it means something. What could this mean though?

I sat up in my bed and I could hear someone shuffling around in my house. I moved to the side of the bed and I reached my hand out as I stood up and felt for the wall. Once I touched the wall I began walking toward the door when I finally felt the door frame a familiar voice called out to me.
“Oh Lily you're finally up! I have already pulled your dress out and hung it on the back of your door. You better hurry and get dressed so I can do your hair and make up.”
It was my aunt Bunny, weird name I know but her mother was an even weirder woman.
“What time is it?” I asked reaching around the door and feeling the chiffon fabric of my dress.
“Oh it's a quarter after eight. The wedding is at nine thirty and we still have to pick up George.”
I closed the door and pulled the dress off the door hook and set it on the bed when I found it. I took my clothes off and set them on the bed but then realized I had forgotten to pull out a strapless bra so I slowly felt around to my left feeling for my dresser. When found I counted down to the third drawer and opened it and was relived when I felt the bra right on top. I heard the door creak open and Bunny asked if I needed any help and I declined causing her to close the door again. I returned to the bed again and picked up the dress and took it off it's hanger and I felt for the opening of the dress on the bottom and slowly put int over my head and pulled it on my body. Once I felt it was on correctly I walked over to the door and opened it.
“Bunny I have the dress on so can you come help me with my hair and make up please?”
I heard her get up off the couch and walk toward me.
“Well but of course, here take my arm I have all the make up in the kitchen on the table.” She said as I felt her grab my hand and placed it around her arm.
When we started walking I could feel the dress I had one was short in the front and long in the back. Bunny always did like dressing me up ever since I was little, good thing I trusted her to make me look presentable. I remember a story my mother once told me when I was younger about when I was angry about people always helping me and I tried dressing myself and I gone all day wearing an old Halloween costume because I thought it was one of my regular dresses.
“Okay here's a chair.” She stated as she helped me sit down.
She started to brush out some tangles that had formed for me sleeping.
“How are you going to do my hair?” I asked.
“Nothing too flashy. Since your hair naturally waves at the bottom I think I might just put it to one side and out a flower in it. Sound good?” She asked as already started pulling it to one side.
“Well actually can you put a braid in it? Like a head band kind of?” I questioned as I pointed out where I wanted the braid to go.
“Yeah that will probably look better anyways!” She laughed.
I there patiently as I felt her brush my hair and braid it. When I was about to talk to her about my dream she began to talk.
“Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! Luann, my neighbor you know, had gone into town and had ran into this very handsome man who was talking to George. He said his name was Damon Salvatore and he was from out of town. Well anyway, it ended up with George inviting him to the wedding! We all thought that was strange but since George is the groom he can invite who he wants!”
“Damon Salvatore? That's an interesting last name, it sounds familiar, maybe I read it somewhere. That is strange that George would just invite him like that though since this wedding is just supposed to be close friends and family.”
After a while longer she was happy to say that she was finished with my makeup and hair. She left for a moment to go get my shoes and other accessories. As I bent down and out my shoes on I started to hear a voice. I sat up and turned my head trying to see if I could hear it again but then the sound of Bunny's heels hit the kitchen floor drowned it out. I quickly put on my bracelet and earrings and Bunny came over and said I had forgotten my belt and put it on for me.
As we were walking to the car and when I was waiting for Bunny to unlock it I kept getting this feeling on someone looking at me and I looked around even though I knew I could see nothing. I turned back around when I heard the car being unlocked and got in.
“It's just now nine, good thing you can't see how fast I can go.” Bunny said as she pulled out of the drive away causing me to hear rocks being flung everywhere.
When we finally arrived at the venue with George we were bombarded with Linda's bridesmaids questioning George why he was so late.
“Hello Shelly!” I said hearing her voice above everyone else.
I heard a gasp followed with “Oh Lily! You look beautiful in that dress!” she said as she came over and hugged me.
“I'm sure you're just as beautiful!” I said wrapping my arm around hers as she lead me inside.
I could hear behind me as George thanked me for getting him out of trouble again. Shelly lead me into the room that the bride was waiting in and once I walked in the smell of roses attacked my senses.
“Oh Lily you look beautiful!” I heard Linda, the bride, say as I heard her dress shuffling as she ran over to me.
“Thank you Linda.” I said as I put my hands out after she hugged me and felt her dress. Her dress felt like lace.
“Your dress seems stunning.” I said and I smiled. “So, I heard there will be a new face in the audience? Damon Salvatore right?” I brought up.
I heard a sigh and I figured it was accompanied with shaking heads.
“Yeah though this man is beyond handsome I don't understand why George invited him, I mean he only talked to him for like fifteen minutes!?” Linda said frustratedly.
Then Shelly chimed in with “I don't understand either but Damon is pure eye candy and I will make him my candy..”
There was a pause before Linda and I began laughing at Shelly's comment.