The Sound.

Chapter Two

Once I left Linda and her bridesmaids I started walking down the hall and I had my hand on the wall but then I ran into a table and almost fell but someone caught me.
“Oh my gosh thank you I'm so sorry I didn't see the table..” I started to explain but then the person who caught me spoke and it stopped my talking.
“Not to worry. You know you're going the wrong way to the wedding right?” He questioned.
His voice was so familiar it gave my body chill. Unconsciously I began to bring my hands up and touch his face. Once I touched him I felt this energy start to go through me and the blackness I'm used to seeing no longer seemed as dark.
“You're voice is so familiar..” I began as I started to see blotches of light in my vision but then he stepped back. The light faded and the usual blackness returned to me.
I felt him push me against the wall and I could feel the heat from his face, his face was right in front of me.
“Tell me what you are.” He demanded.
“What are you talking about?” I questioned feeling scared.
He grabbed my face and I think he was trying to get me to look him in the eyes.
“You're blind?” He said I disappointed tone.
“Y-yes I am.”
“Great. Now what am I supposed to do with you.” He asked himself.
I didn't answer him since I knew it was not directed toward me. After a while I felt him step away and walk away. I feel to the ground and I began to cry. Not because of what he did but because I thought my vision was coming back. Just seeing those blotches of light was enough to give me hope of finally seeing a world I was missing out on. I heard footsteps coming toward me and Bunny along with other familiar voice call out to me as they got closer. All of them begged to know if I was all right and wanted to know what happened. I told them I was fine and that I just simply ran into a table and when I fell I hurt my ankle because of the heels. I was helped up and lead the correct way down the hall. After Bunny cleaned up my make up she lead me into the room where the ceremony was to be held and was helped into a seat.
I don't remember much of the ceremony or even when I got into a car and drove to the reception. It wasn't until the DJ announced that the Bride and Groom will have their first dance when I was knocked out of my thoughts. The song “I Won't Give Up” by Jason Mraz began playing. I stood up and asked Bunny where the bar was and she offered to take me but I wanted to go alone. After she pointed me in the right direction I started to make my way feeling all the chairs and finding my way to the bar. When I finally made it to the bar I asked for whatever the special drink was and I was told it was Cîroc Lola. I accepted it and right after I took a drink I felt someone come stand right next to me.
“Well well well if it isn't the blind girl.” I heard that voice say to me.
I felt my spine go stiff as I turned my hair toward the sound.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I should ask you the same.” He said before ordering a drink.
“I'm the blind girl.” I said smugly.
When he laughed I felt the side of my body he was standing by get goosebumps. I felt him grab his drink and I'm assuming he downed it and set it down and then took mine and set it away from me. I felt his arm go around my waist and at first I thought was he leading me away but then I felt the floor of the dance floor. He grabbed my hand and twirled my around in front of him and I felt his body go flush with my own and he placed my hand on his shoulder and grab my other and we began to dance. The energy I had felt before started to come back. I could feel it going through his hand into mine.
“What is that?” I questioned gripping his hand.
“I'm not sure yet.” He stated.
He twirled me out again and then I returned to him. The blotches of light began to return and I started to see blotches start to move around in a circle. Then I looked in front of me and could see the this pale light covered by black. I lowered my hand on his shoulder onto the pale light and could see a blotch which was my hand move over the pale light. It was his shirt under his jacket. I was seeing it. I could see. I looked up at him and I could feel tears threatening to escape.
“This is interesting. I've never had this happen before.” He said.
“The sound. The sound I hear in my dreams is you. How is this happening? I've been blind my whole life.” I questioned.
As we were dancing I was looking at everything and would look down at myself. Everything was new to me. When I saw Linda I began to cry because she looked so beautiful in her dress and George was so handsome and they looked so happy. I looked up at this man and he was so handsome. He was my savor from the darkness.
“You're Damon Salvatore aren't you?” I questioned.
Then the DJ announced that there was a special slideshow for the bride and groom and that everyone had to clear the dance floor. My heart started to ache as I felt Damon let go of my hand. I tried hanging on but he was gone. All the colors faded and details became cloudy and then everything was black.
“Lily come over you can sit next to me.” I head Shelly say as she grabbed my hand and lead me into a chair.
The rest of the time at the reception I didn't see again and was returned home to stay in silence and left to listen for the sound.