The Sound.

Chapter Four

I remember hearing the sound of beeping and feeling a mask over my mouth. It was hard to breath, like there was a heavy boulder on my chest. It was quiet besides for the beeping letting people know my heart was still going. I heard movement next to me. The sound of the plastic that was most likely one of the chairs in the room. I tried moving my arm, it was difficult but I finally felt the remote to the bed and I felt around until I found a button at the very top and hoping it was to call for help, I pushed it. Just short of two minutes I heard someone come rushing into the room and stopped just at the foot of my bed. I could hear there heavy breath as they came around to my side by the chair.
“Well good evening Lily. I'm glad to see you're awake.”
I tried to say something but my throat was to dry and nothing came out.
“You've been asleep for..three days.” She said as I heard her pick up my chart and shuffle papers around.
I heard the plastic move again and then it was followed by a yawn but it was stopped short and they let out a gasp since I assume they noticed the nurse.
“Oh my God Lily! You're finally awake! How is she doing?” It was Bunny.
“She can't talk right now. I'll go get her something to drink, but besides that everything seems to be normal again.” I heard the nurse say and set my chart down and leave the room.
I felt Bunny grab onto my hand. She started to talk to me but I wasn't listening to her because I started to think about Damon and how he did this to me even after I helped him. I started to hate him but then I remembered at the wedding when some how I got my vision. I started to replay that moment in my head and I gripped onto Bunny's hand tighter and I started to feel that energy again. It was coming back. I wasn't going to let it go this time. I began to concentrate on the energy. Finally when it seemed like my whole body was filled with energy I opened my eyes. I could see. I could see all the different machines I could see my legs underneath the white blanket. I looked down at my hand that was still gripping onto Bunny's hand. I expected to see her happy face smiling at me but was greeted with a lifeless face and a pale hand holding onto mine.

It's been almost five years since Bunny passed away. I am now twenty-six years old and I look just as I was when I was twenty-one. I am no longer the sweet girl that had been born blind and required the help of those around her. I no longer had to imagine what colors looked like or what I looked like. Sometimes I look back on how I was and how I lived and sometimes yearn for it but now I am in control. The world I live in now is one that I do not wish to lose. Though now to keep my happiness it is at the cost of others happiness. I was given a curse that is pure selfishness. I learned, because of Damon, that I am able to still energy from others. This energy that I take from them it restores what energy I do not have. It restored my vision, my looks, my strength, anything I wanted. It's like I could rebuild myself. Ever since I had woken up in the hospital from my near death experience I had been looking for Damon Salvatore. You see people leave a special sound whenever they visit a place. The sound Damon left was the sound of death. It seems wherever I looked and asked the people if they have heard for Damon they say yes and then proceed to tell me about mystery animal attacks that happened and how he “helped the town” in their time of need. In my search for Damon I ran into some trouble, vampires. I had tried talking the idea out of my mind that they even exist but it seems they were true. The vampires I came across did try to compel me but since I do not own the energy in my eyes the compulsion does not work. It's amazing the amount of energy I can get from vampires. From one vampire I supply myself with enough energy to keep me sustained for months before needed more. I hope Damon is proud of what he created and what I let him create.
Mystic Falls, it quite a place. I sat in my car outside this “Mystic Grill,” watching Damon walk inside. This place has a very violent past. I looked at the clock in my car it was almost five and I was going to be late for my interview at the hospital if I don't hurry.
I walked into the hospital looking down at my pink peplum skirt and smoothed it down. I stopped and went into the ladies room and double checked myself in the mirror. When you've been blind for twenty-one years and are able to see you really learn to love color and the way you look. I looked at my white tie neck blouse and pulled off a stray hair, fixed my black belt, and smoothed out my pink peplum once again. I walked out of the bathroom and proceed to the room where my interview was to be held.
“Ah Miss Skye correct?”
“Yep that's me.” I said walking over to my interviewer and shaking his hand.
“You look very lovely today not mainly people are bold enough to wear a pink skirt.” He said as he motioned for me to sit.
“Well, I'm just a woman who appreciates color I guess.”
“So, Miss Skye.” He started.
“Please call me Lily.” I insisted.
“Well, Lily, you're resume is very impressive. You're only twenty-six and yet you're worked in quite a few hospitals, I see.”
“I know. I have a strong passion to help people and I love being a nurse, but some hospitals have no humanity.”
“That's always a sad thing to hear, but I'm happy to have you here a lot of people have been getting attacked by animals lately. We could use your help since your people skills seems excellent.”
“Well thank you sir, I'm so excited to start working here soon.”